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08 Dec 2012, 7:09 pm

[Moderator Note (MrXxx): This was intended to be a reply to a fairly old thread from 2006, but was mistakenly posted to an unrelated thread. After a little sleuthing, I found the thread Aud intended to reply to here: (now locked: please post replies to this thread)

The link is there for those interested in reading the background behind Aud's reply here. I thought it best in the interests of continuity to create a new thread with Aud's reply here, rather than tag it to the end of the old thread, where non active users might be quoted or addressed by members posting new replies, expecting replies from old posts that likely would never come. That said, here is Aud's reply.]

THANK YOU, CHAIN! Seriously. Long or not your post is incredibly informative. I have had the advantage of very advanced CBT and Neuro Linguistics and Body Language training; I have observed every one of the N traits in precisely the kind of NT men who have (and this is not arrogance, this is a morbid complaint because I find these horrifying folks) CHASED me, specifically in my 20s. Now that my looks are fading with the onset of my 40s it isn't nearly as bad. That was also a connection I made early, they were after my looks combined with my academic and later professional success, they are trophy hunters. All.

This Trophy Hunter or Big Game Grabber mentality is pervasive among Ns. WHY, I have often wondered, out loud, in therapy, sometimes and often to the N A-Hole themselves, to their face, WHY do these so clearly knee jerk motivated and easy to manipulate people chase Aspergian females? I see it a lot with other women, and watched many marry these guys only to end up paying palimony to them later... buying their way free, so to speak. WHY, when Aspergian women with any training at all and even those without can often detect everything you wrote, purely analytically, and we certainly do watch the world around us very carefully, having been burned early in childhood and the maturation process by assuming we have intuitive skills we often utterly lack. The survivors learn to use their analytical observation skills. We are very adept at it, "thinking" through social interaction in every arena because we must observe and think to understand what NT women gather through whatever their innate radar is. I have seen some serious thinking women derail their entire lives by tangling with one (or a succession) of Ns.

Again, possibly I have aged enough and seen and experienced enough interpersonal agony to have started to form an opinion. I will address it from a personal angel. Or rather "How I Was Had By A Garden Variety N:"

These Ns are the GREAT manipulators. They are first and foremost looking for a partner who will reflect well on them; a trophy who will ADD to their BS self created "mystique" as someone far more accomplished and powerful than either their efforts or abilities allow them to be legitimately be. They spot prey- an attractive, driven, atypical female; one who does not engage in psycho-sexual attention getting behaviors so endemic to NT women in American culture; they go after that quirky female; the one many men admire and none can seem to get a date with, or even eye contact from outside of structured situations (Board Meetings, WORK, classes at school, etc). They spot that prey, and then the chase begins.

Ns are very adept predators. They typically approach the situation from one of social dominance from the start; they pay more attention to your friends' opinions of them than yours, for instance, because they discern socializing is not your forte and you may rest more on the opinion of friends than a typical woman of like intelligence and independence. They are very charismatic, these Ns. They buy gifts that will seem too large, too showy, and then literally SHOW the gift to your circle of friends, sometimes before YOU even see it. Also, the gifts will almost ALWAYS be something THEY like alot or can share. If you like rubies, this guy will buy you sapphires, if he likes them better. When you look at the rubies you are wearing, and eye the gift with confusion, he will explain all about why your favorite isn't as relevant as his gift ("But you have blue eyes, sapphires look better on you..." etc.)

They are adept communicators and build a knowledge base of your specific interests (in my case, if a man can't speak to any of my specific interests where I am comfortable in discussion, I ignore him straight away, no interest; the N discerns this; he has scoped you out before ever making a move toward manipulating you into his fan club).

Example: Never let one into your home early in knowing him. He will peruse your extensive...say...library, discern you have an interest in say... Epistemology; and the next time he sees you he will have a verbal working knowledge of the subject which he will use to engage you, as well as entirely false reference points for when he too, came to love the subject (it is amazing how far Ns will go with this. I have egged them on to proportions rarely witnessed, seriously, they will even do so in mixed company, if you set them up, company that KNOWS their lies are simply lies...!)

This is how it starts. It is a rather complex process, most involved. The kind of Ns who excel at this are located in enclaves where there is an oddly high number of concentrated Aspies (Silicon Valley, for instance, and Cambridge, MA); in my experience they work in talking professions (litigators; corporate middle management, often reporting to CEOs but never truly making it to their table-types) and many started this fun game in college, where they were popular with the drunken frat crowd but in their spare time hounded the stand-offish but attractive academic female. They are notorious date-rapers in college, think the type that claims "she didn't say NO, so I just did it" when really the poor Aspina was suffering selective mutism from STRESS (seen this, too, in the ER!).

I think Aspies should be aware, male and female alike, that we have VERY opposing skill sets to these N types. Where they are all inference we are all fact; where they are utterly self aggrandizing, we tend away from hyperbole and see mainly flaws in systems. And case in point, most of these N types wave in and out of honesty with an ease that is absolutely so pervasively aggressive, and dazzlingly bold, we often wonder if we are the ONLY people who can see this person is completely full of both s**t and themselves; same fodder, truly.

In grad school I researched heavily WHY liars and Ns do so well in American society; it is because excellent liars are rewarded with more income and advancement than any other skill-set baring workers. TRULY! Liars succeed in this culture, beyond your wildest dreams... which is, I suspect, why Aspies, regardless of ability, often prefer think tanks to corporate structures: it is PURE in a think tank; it is only the application that dirties the beauty and grace of the ideas, of the science. In my research I found this spit in politics too-- the Aspies gang up in highly ethical non profits; but they rarely run for office; and if ever there was a prototype for the N. Liar who succeeds, it is The Politician.

I have seen friends lose everything via marrying an N. Their careers, their homes, their self respect, sometimes their children. I have seen Ns reduce Aspergian Women I once admired and respected to neurotic, self loathing, socially paranoid recluses (because their warfare when you turn on them and explain the facts to them and their proverbial "gig" is up is to attack you socially, to demolish your reputation, to use specifically LOUD noises and screaming to back the Aspie into a Neurological Corner which, once slumped in that corner, having given up, sometimes having attempted suicide, usually from just the thought of facing the social malestrom this N has created around her...) the N is banking on total submission... they view suicide as a threat (they love to level it, too, Ns, although hurting themselves is beyond them)... and they view its failure as a vindication that they were RIGHT, you are abnormal and malfunctional without someone like them to lead you.

The N then offers to HELP! "Let me help you, stop being so hateful, I can right all the wrongs, trust me, just give all the power to me and make sure everyone knows I am in charge of your fate now, that I AM THE MOST IMPORTANT..."

This is not a joke. I have literally stood in Emergency Rooms during intake and listened to these N jerks trying to explain why the woman with the slit wrists and the PhD after her name "isn't insane, she just overreacted, I can help her, she knows this, she wants to come home"...and here it is people, wait for it...

They almost always say: SHE JUST WANTS ATTENTION!

I think I have heard and seen it all in the ERs in a city the size of San Francisco (where there are a high concentration of Aspergians waiting to be tortured by Ns).

Ns also play on the fact that no, not many people DO like Aspergians. Most people live in full o'crap land, where their version of things is indistinguishable from the actual "reality" they share with everyone else. Aspergians have a tendency to call people out on their untruths by simply stating fact; plain observable fact; because we do not know why this person is saying untrue things as if they were fact and we have an innate need to draw those kind of lines.

Pity is, Ns are often charismatic and smart enough to keep their games deeply private; they present to the world that they are long suffering misunderstood NICE guys; and sadly, other NTs cannot seem to ever SEE beyond these peoples' facade. I have seen many a PhD/MD doubled degrees psychiatrist believe the N. Because the N speaks the language they want to hear. Pathetic!

I believe ALL Aspergians can see beyond ANY facade; we just need to use our analytical super power. Watch others, carefully. LISTEN, carefully. Look for books to educate yourself re: Body Language, Autonomic Nervous System Responses (I have been called a Human Lie Detector and I am proud of that; I worked on studying other humans for the entirety of my life; they are not so hard to read, most of what they can't control is the most telling, anyway).... And if a person "seems" too much like you, too much in common with your weirdness... they are constantly listing commonalities between the two of you, however thin...

RUN. Run away, Aspie, and get thee to a LIBRARY and start edifying that magnificent analytical mind of yours with the arsenal of understanding it takes to shoot these N suckers down. They are blocking your LIGHT, seriously, and also blocking your view. The very most perfect and loving person-- just right for YOU-- that person may go by unnoticed because they Ns are such attention hogs; they eclipse even our own dignity if we let them.

Whatever you do, DO NOT hurt yourself over it. This N has hurt you enough. There is one medical provider in 5,000 who will admit to being Spectrum and jump to your defense or even try to help you. Don't look to the establishment for help. Ns ARE the establishment, isn't that clear? The way we hold court in the sciences and theory; in highly ethical callings; in the arts; these guys literally RUN the corporations that you call society. Don't doubt it for a moment.

I left medicine, disgusted. Too many of my own kind stood by and watched our own suffer indignity such as this and offer pills when advice-- advice from someone who shares their experience, and CARES, truly-- could have prevented a second (and successful) suicide attempt.

The only way to practice avoidance of this dominant and prevalent predator is to KNOW THEM, to educate yourself. Which is why I responded to this Chain's post. Chain, you're a hero, in my book, for breaking it down the Aspie way, my friend. I respect your efforts very much. And thank you wholeheartedly.


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11 Dec 2012, 12:13 pm

Aud wrote:
[b][Moderator Note (MrXxx): This was intended to be a reply to a fairly old thread from 2006, but was mistakenly posted to an unrelated thread. After a little sleuthing, I found the thread Aud intended to reply to here: (now locked: please post replies to this thread)

Aspergians have a tendency to call people out on their untruths by simply stating fact; plain observable fact; because we do not know why this person is saying untrue things as if they were fact and we have an innate need to draw those kind of lines.

Pity is, Ns are often charismatic and smart enough to keep their games deeply private; they present to the world that they are long suffering misunderstood NICE guys; and sadly, other NTs cannot seem to ever SEE beyond these peoples' facade. I have seen many a PhD/MD doubled degrees psychiatrist believe the N. Because the N speaks the language they want to hear.

Wow, good advice in the original thread.

Basically, it all boils down to one thing: If you make yourself vulnerable and relax the barriers of your ego in a relationship, don't start a relationship with a narcissist. It doesn't make them bad people because the two of you weren't compatable. Even in a normal relationship, if you turn out to be incompatable, the other is often perceived to be at fault and "a bad person". How often do people who break up stay friends?

This would have been nice to know when I was younger. I allowed him to make everything my fault, and may not have left if we hadn't had a child that I had to prioritize. While I was still trying to make things work, his Mother gave me advice similar to the OP on getting him to practice necessary behaviors. I didn't like it either, that type of subtlety and oblique direction is not my cuppa at all. Of course, since I stopped practicing the recommended behaviors (about 2 years after we split up), he's started hating me, when we got along perfectly well before. But, I can't spend the rest of my life stroking his ego and handling him with kid gloves.

But, as others have pointed out, Ns can have long-term relationships. He seems to be doing much better now with his partners now than he did with me because they do not involve living together. The girls don't have to have everything be their fault, and he doesn't have people popping his spurious histrionics with bothersome facts. That's a much more realistic relationship for this particular N and their partner than a maniuplative marriage or cohabitation (from either or both sides).


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11 Dec 2012, 12:18 pm

As bad as narcissists might sound to you, they are wussies compared to sociopaths & psychopaths.


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11 Dec 2012, 12:35 pm

Uprising wrote:
As bad as narcissists might sound to you, they are wussies compared to sociopaths & psychopaths.

The psychopath is dangerous from a different perspective as they may kill to get what they want. The other two will just torture you emotionally just because they can. It seems as if Narcissists have very fragile egos. Sociopaths are known masters of social skills and manipulation and use this to get what they want and I think could potentially have someone like me put in prision based off a lie. The sociopath makes the hard work look so easy. The Narcissists are all about ego boosting and hate to be proven wrong, and the sociopath is the one that cannot be proven wrong. That's just my take on things.


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11 Dec 2012, 12:44 pm

Narcissists act like your best friend at first, and are intensely involved in all their new friendships. Overly nice and smarmy (for them anyways). But then they casually assume their natural form once you're on the hook... then assume the dominant role of selfish, indifferent, asinine, passive, a** . And, when you fail to live up to into their desired behaviors, they drop you like a hot potato. All of their social interactions are ultimately erasable, because they're never close to you to being with. If you decide you've had enough of their mean, indifferent, misleading, a**holishness, they will often provoke you with insults for awhile, before eventually erasing you from their lives -- all the while blaming your attitude for what they're doing/saying. They never take responsibility for their part in anything - they are never at fault. People and the world have to live up to THEIR expectations, or they're avoided / erased. Often this behavior ends up losing entire circles of friends, getting them uninvited from things, because they inevitably mislead an hurt nice people. Oh, they are usually drama queens, too.


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11 Dec 2012, 1:16 pm

Uprising wrote:
As bad as narcissists might sound to you, they are wussies compared to sociopaths & psychopaths.

Very true. But they can be just as manipulative as ASPD people regardless.


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17 Dec 2012, 2:30 pm

MCalavera wrote:
Uprising wrote:
As bad as narcissists might sound to you, they are wussies compared to sociopaths & psychopaths.

Very true. But they can be just as manipulative as ASPD people regardless.

Ns have the advantage of being able to turn their social behavior on a dime, and convince health care providers, first responders, attorneys, social workers, judges, etc..... all the people who have power over the fate of the Spectrum person... anyone who is adept at initial manipulation of the people who control the outcomes of situations once those situations are no longer behind the closed door of your house-- is highly dangerous. As one psychiatrist friend put it to me "Ns are out for ego supply, by whatever means necessary; it's not that seek to hurt you, it's that they could care less, so long as there is benefit to them in doing so." My college roommate is a family attorney in a big city and she confirms "Anyone who thinks a narcissist isn't destructive to the humans they feed on has never been to divorce court; their children, even, are simply tools they use to achieve their own ends. Their "best interest" is quite straight forward, it is their own, always."

It is the high correlation between Aspergians and Narcissists ending up together, to the detriment of the former, that prompted me to share experiences from when I worked in medicine. And now those of friends who work in Law. I have tried in vain to get a few female Aspies to post their experiences with the following:
Losing their children in custody battles
Being "5150"ed aka "Baker Acted" or committed against their will for an Autistic meltdown and all the fall out that creates (losing one's private health care, firstly, and often one's job and if one keeps their job, most lose all professional respect; they were just in a mental hospital against their will)
Being "outed" by the N in a legal forum, and forced to bare the expense and experience of having their disability used against them in court....
Those that have attempted suicide and there is hell to pay for that act in this society; it carries legal ramifications (it is against the law to take your own life, or even try it)....


If you don't like your life change it; but if you are dating someone who is a danger to you, you might have wished someone shared such information before you married them. In some states your Autism can be spun into very hearty grounds for divorce. And worse.

Please, everyone, just be careful, and if this doesn't apply to you, awesome. But you may one day have a friend who comes to you because they are collapsing under this kind of scenario. And that friend will not find a clear voice of help in clinical care settings, in legal settings, etc. They just won't.


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17 Dec 2012, 5:35 pm

Have to be quick in my response, but what's the goal of this thread?

Is it to be able to identify someone who has an aspect of ASPD?
Is it to be able to cope and understand with someone who has ASPD?
Is it to be able to defend oneself against someone who shows components of ASPD?

And yes, ASPD is the correct term, it usually works very well for identification of the sociopath/psychopath that you may need to be wary about.


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17 Dec 2012, 5:43 pm

aspiemike wrote:
Uprising wrote:
As bad as narcissists might sound to you, they are wussies compared to sociopaths & psychopaths.

The psychopath is dangerous from a different perspective as they may kill to get what they want. The other two will just torture you emotionally just because they can. It seems as if Narcissists have very fragile egos. Sociopaths are known masters of social skills and manipulation and use this to get what they want and I think could potentially have someone like me put in prision based off a lie. The sociopath makes the hard work look so easy. The Narcissists are all about ego boosting and hate to be proven wrong, and the sociopath is the one that cannot be proven wrong. That's just my take on things.

Bang on!


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17 Dec 2012, 6:46 pm

It would be nice if this thread had been made to be more gender neutral. It's not impossible for females to act this way, too, and I feel I've been a victim at least once.

About suffering they were never wrong,
The Old Masters: how well they understood
Its human position; how it takes place
While someone else is eating or opening a window or
just walking dully along...


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17 Dec 2012, 7:47 pm

The OP was too long for me to read. Well, not literally, but I mean I couldn't be bothered.

I have never known what "narcissist" means, so I went and looked it up.

Wikipedia begins by saying:

Narcissism is a term with a wide range of meanings

which leaves me none the wiser.

If it's a term with a wide range of meanings, wouldn't it be helpful for somebody to define what exactly this thread is supposed to be about? :?


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17 Dec 2012, 7:52 pm

Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder for a more specified definition. Although not perfect by any means.


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17 Dec 2012, 7:55 pm

Well it obviously has negative connotations, so hopefully I am not one, and I will not end up with one - whatever it is!

Edit: no, wait; not connotations. Implications.

No, wait - not that, either. It has a negative meaning.

Oh dear, my brain is not working very well at words today! :(


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17 Dec 2012, 8:15 pm

Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

If you believe people who consistently fit the DSM criteria for NPD don't exist, then you're mistaken.

If I misunderstood your point, then I apologize in advance for misunderstanding.


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17 Dec 2012, 8:21 pm

I wonder though if people have been mistaken for being narcissistic just because of how they interact with people? As in they come across as Narcissistic at first but when you get to know them, theyre not Narcissistic.



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17 Dec 2012, 8:30 pm

MCalavera wrote:
Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

If you believe people who consistently fit the DSM criteria for NPD don't exist, then you're mistaken.

If I misunderstood your point, then I apologize in advance for misunderstanding.

Were you talking to me, or to somebody else?

If you were talking to me, the only point I was making was that I don't know what narcissist means. Therefore, I don't know what I'm doing in this thread. I shall depart now. Carry on. Don't mind me.
