verdo wrote:
Thanks guys. Part of the reason too why i feel this way is due to the amount of times a girl will say I'm not their type, which I translate more as a physical thing, because I don't work on girls who im not connected with personality-wise. It doesn't often help my confidence much when a girl thinks I'm handsome or what not, because that same girl would say im not her type when I ask her out (i mention this because it has actually happened to me once before lol). But I agree that confidence is somthing you have to build on. My problem is that I really don't know where to begin...though a few of the comments already made is a good starting point.
Oh and about the height thing. I think a lot of the reason has to do with the fact that when im at hous parties or what not at college, the guys there are almost always tall/athletic and get much of the attention. Of coarse, ive started to try and meeet women else where, but being at a party, i dont really need an excuse to go up and approah a girl, if you know what i mean. Basically, i just feel like my height makes me a little less desirable when a woman considers her "options" sort of speak
You might think you have a connection with their personality, but that doesn't mean that you are what they are looking for. It says more about them - especially where they are at - than it does about you. It can also be a physical thing too, in which case it's still nothing personal.
Yeah, ok so you go to parties with tall and athletic guys. Are these other guys as smart as you? Witty? Funny? Talented?
Everyone has something going for them in terms of personal qualities. Find what yours is naturally and focus on it, work on it some and polish it up so it's more obvious to everyone else around you.
It will help others notice what you're good at, and you will enjoy being around people more if you're genuinely enjoying yourself, and it will help your confidence too.
The other thing is that when you're not sure where to start, there is always something.
Most of us have a passion or a hobby that we are really into. Something that you enjoy, are good at and put a lot of effort into. A hobby or passion like that is generally a great way to kick start your confidence. Not only is it great to get into something that you enjoy, but it's something others sense and it makes you more attractive to them. And at the end of the night when you go home after another party, you're probably not going to care as much if you have something awesome to look forward to in the morning. It helps keeps it in perspective for you, and keep you positive and upbeat.