Obsessive romantic interest
I never really know if I should ask questions on wrongplanet as I'm not diagnosed and think of myself as having very mild AS traits. I'm not sure I belong here, though I sometimes do relate with what you write/feel. So here goes anyway
I've read that Aspies can have obsessions about people, sometimes in a romantic way. I think I have that problem. My crushes are usually stronger than normal. I want to know everything about them, want to be friends with their friends and I start being interested in what they're interested in. I even picture my future life with them. Needless to say it's not a good mindset to start a relationship.
I've learned from past mistakes and I try to reason myself into being less creepy. But I don't want to totally restrict my strong feelings.
Because crushes have helped and motivated me to change and be "succesfull" in life (study more on my exams to have a good degree and eventually get a good and well payed job). I think it has helped me to fight my possible AS-related problems. I now love social activities and parties whereas I always wanted to be left on my own when I was a child. I'm also less of a picky eater since I dated a girl who had very different food tastes as me.
I've haved a crush on a girl since a few weeks and discovered two weeks ago that she's got a boyfriend. I never really talked to that girl and don't know who she really. Therefore I feel like it hurts me more than it "should". It might be because I have to stop this obsession about her, and I have nothing else to "focus on".
Anyone has shared experiences?
I never really know if I should ask questions on wrongplanet as I'm not diagnosed and think of myself as having very mild AS traits. I'm not sure I belong here, though I sometimes do relate with what you write/feel. So here goes anyway

I've read that Aspies can have obsessions about people, sometimes in a romantic way. I think I have that problem. My crushes are usually stronger than normal. I want to know everything about them, want to be friends with their friends and I start being interested in what they're interested in. I even picture my future life with them. Needless to say it's not a good mindset to start a relationship.
I've learned from past mistakes and I try to reason myself into being less creepy. But I don't want to totally restrict my strong feelings.
Because crushes have helped and motivated me to change and be "succesfull" in life (study more on my exams to have a good degree and eventually get a good and well payed job). I think it has helped me to fight my possible AS-related problems. I now love social activities and parties whereas I always wanted to be left on my own when I was a child. I'm also less of a picky eater since I dated a girl who had very different food tastes as me.
I've haved a crush on a girl since a few weeks and discovered two weeks ago that she's got a boyfriend. I never really talked to that girl and don't know who she really. Therefore I feel like it hurts me more than it "should". It might be because I have to stop this obsession about her, and I have nothing else to "focus on".
Anyone has shared experiences?
I'm the same. The entirety of my romantic experience in life so far has been intense, strong crushes (which are always unrequited). I have never hurt ANYONE, or stalked anyone. But I do develop like an Aspie obsession with them, and want to know all about them, and what makes them tick, and what all their interests are, and like all the things they do, etc. It is quite common for Aspies, actually.
Unfortunately, I often mistake friendliness for a sign of interest, and see interest when there isn't any there. I am terrible at reading women's interest signals (or lack thereof). It has got me into ...some pretty bad obsessive unrequited love scenarios in my past. I try to learn from past experience, and not be as intense next time, but I always end up screwing it up and scaring her off.
Still waiting for my partner at 29, and I still get crushes. It can take a long time for me to get over one, when it all falls apart.
Yes... but it is behind me now.
www.wrongplanet.net/postp5013377.html&h ... t=#5013377
Sora: "My friends are my power."
Ventus: "I'm asking you as a friend. Just... put an end to me."
Yep, happens to me quite a bit. I do have some stalkerish tendancies which I work to control, but they freak me out alot. Being a female attracted female makes it harder, too, because if I get a crush on a friend, they pretty much avoid me because it's "weird." I'm really bad at hiding crushes, too, which sucks.
Yeah, it's the same for me. The main reason why the date with the girl I mentionned above didn' end up in a relationship is because I got too obsessed and it scared her.
It's always tricky to see the signs of interest. Also because different girls/women have different ways of showing that.
I'm 23 myself, also waiting. But I'm confident. Good luck!
I never really know if I should ask questions on wrongplanet as I'm not diagnosed and think of myself as having very mild AS traits. I'm not sure I belong here, though I sometimes do relate with what you write/feel. So here goes anyway

I've read that Aspies can have obsessions about people, sometimes in a romantic way. I think I have that problem. My crushes are usually stronger than normal. I want to know everything about them, want to be friends with their friends and I start being interested in what they're interested in. I even picture my future life with them. Needless to say it's not a good mindset to start a relationship.
I've learned from past mistakes and I try to reason myself into being less creepy. But I don't want to totally restrict my strong feelings.
Because crushes have helped and motivated me to change and be "succesfull" in life (study more on my exams to have a good degree and eventually get a good and well payed job). I think it has helped me to fight my possible AS-related problems. I now love social activities and parties whereas I always wanted to be left on my own when I was a child. I'm also less of a picky eater since I dated a girl who had very different food tastes as me.
I've haved a crush on a girl since a few weeks and discovered two weeks ago that she's got a boyfriend. I never really talked to that girl and don't know who she really. Therefore I feel like it hurts me more than it "should". It might be because I have to stop this obsession about her, and I have nothing else to "focus on".
Anyone has shared experiences?
I'm the same. The entirety of my romantic experience in life so far has been intense, strong crushes (which are always unrequited). I have never hurt ANYONE, or stalked anyone. But I do develop like an Aspie obsession with them, and want to know all about them, and what makes them tick, and what all their interests are, and like all the things they do, etc. It is quite common for Aspies, actually.
Unfortunately, I often mistake friendliness for a sign of interest, and see interest when there isn't any there. I am terrible at reading women's interest signals (or lack thereof). It has got me into ...some pretty bad obsessive unrequited love scenarios in my past. I try to learn from past experience, and not be as intense next time, but I always end up screwing it up and scaring her off.
Still waiting for my partner at 29, and I still get crushes. It can take a long time for me to get over one, when it all falls apart.
I am exactly the same - same close feelings, thoughts of life together, being interested in their life, people in their life, their interests and life struggles and complimenting them constantly, coupled with a deep feeling of love. It's always unrequited and it's difficult to understand why this is the case.
It can be tough, especially if you have these feelings for extended periods of years.
How have you managed to deal with it?
I tend not to fixate on one woman liking me, my idea is to believe that I don't have to sell myself low and even if one isn't interested, there is always the next chance.
It's like making a 3 pointer in Basketball, miss a chance and you know your next chance will come.
www.wrongplanet.net/postp5013377.html&h ... t=#5013377
Sora: "My friends are my power."
Ventus: "I'm asking you as a friend. Just... put an end to me."
How have you managed to deal with it?
I tend not to fixate on one woman liking me, my idea is to believe that I don't have to sell myself low and even if one isn't interested, there is always the next chance.
It's like making a 3 pointer in Basketball, miss a chance and you know your next chance will come.
I guess this is a good way of seeing this. My problem is, it's easier to have another shot at a three pointer than having a new opportunity with a girl. You don't find suitable girls of every street corner. At least I don't.
I guess this is a good way of seeing this. My problem is, it's easier to have another shot at a three pointer than having a new opportunity with a girl. You don't find suitable girls of every street corner. At least I don't.
I see your point... however you don't know when you'll sink a 3 pointer which is the same as not knowing when your opportunity will arrive with a girl.
You shouldn't be finding them in street corners, you need to be proactive and look to do activities in your area. There is a thread on potential places you could meet a girl.
www.wrongplanet.net/postp5013377.html&h ... t=#5013377
Sora: "My friends are my power."
Ventus: "I'm asking you as a friend. Just... put an end to me."
I guess this is a good way of seeing this. My problem is, it's easier to have another shot at a three pointer than having a new opportunity with a girl. You don't find suitable girls of every street corner. At least I don't.
I see your point... however you don't know when you'll sink a 3 pointer which is the same as not knowing when your opportunity will arrive with a girl.
You shouldn't be finding them in street corners, you need to be proactive and look to do activities in your area. There is a thread on potential places you could meet a girl.
That's true, it's important to meet new people.
Then again (:P), it's hard to look at new girls when you're still thinking about another one. In general, I've mostly met interesting girls in situation where I didn't think of girls (just having fun or something). Actively looking for women, going to places in the intend of meeting girls never really worked for me. It should always be unexpected. Therefore, I don't think that going after other girls to forget a crush would work. At least, not for me.
I guess the best thing to do is to force yourself to focus on something else. And if it's obsessive, it's better to not see that person for a while.

Joined: 2 Nov 2005
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Posts: 499
Location: The Island of Misfit Toys
I've had some really gnarly crushes before. I never stalked or anything--but it's just terrible.
I try to deal with it by paying attention to my thoughts.
When I start obsessing about the person like this, "what if I said the wrong thing? They must know I like them? They probably are absolutely not interested and they feel sorry for me. They must think I'm some kind of freak."
I try to stop to tell myself this, "I am only human. I have faults. It's perfectly normal to have feelings for others, and it doesn't make me a bad person. If anyone thought I was a freak for it, then I don't really care because that's a mean way to think and I'm only a human. We're all different and we all have weaknesses."
If I start obsessing like this, "They are so hot. They must be really into psychology. I bet we could have the best conversations. I bet he knows everything about boats....etc."
Then I try to tell myself this, "He's only human. I don't know everything about him. He has faults of his own. He may not be that knowledgeable about psychology. Everyone makes mistakes, including him. Everyone has weaknesses. He's only human."
The key thing is to remind myself that I am only human, and it's OK to have strong feelings or to find myself obsessing--though it doesn't mean I want to keep doing it. And that the crush is only human, and they probably don't really line up to this grand idea of them.
I've had that problem for years, one of the things that has worked for me is trying to convince myself that I don't care that much. Like "what is he interested in" and if I worry and obsess about it I have to tell myself "if he wants to talk to me and if he likes me then he will tell me more about himself" and if the guy shows no interest then I just tell myself "well he's not worth my time" and move on. I think we picture futures with the people we like because we have this vision of who we want our perfect mate to be, and when we see someone that we're attracted to and we like the "idea of" then we try to make that person fit into our visions of whatever our ideal lover would be like. This becomes problematic because we're making assumptions about what that person's like and that's hardly the ever the case.
Because of these "fantasy mates" that we have, when we find someone we want to fit into that we feel more strongly for the objects of our affections. It makes us feel more attached to the individual, and it's a constant struggle to not let our fixations get the best of us. We've created our fantasy mates and when we fixate on a person that we know nothing about, in a way they become our creation so naturally we're going to have strong feelings for our creations.
I tell myself the following things:
"yeah, he might be good-looking and I know I've looked plenty but he could be a jerk"
"if he doesn't like me, fine, I'll find someone who does remember you cannot force someone to love you, that pushes them away."
"there is no such thing as the perfect guy"
Also, I try not to even CONSIDER a man as a potential boyfriend unless he makes the first move, like asks for my number or something, and even then if you're a chick who hangs out with nothing but guys, him wanting your number doesn't always mean "let's go out"