I love the giraffes comment, it made me laugh. I'm still waiting for humankind to domesticate those guys so that I can saddle one up and ride it into town.
You don't need to explain why you're single, so I'd remove that part. It's also unnecessary to mention things you hate (your side bar will cover the drugs and drinking), so leave the negativity out. Reading this, it feels like all you really need to do is cut a few parts out and rearrange things a little. You should move the volunteer stuff to "what I'm doing with my life", and make it more concise. You even admit that your profile resembles a resume at times, so try to fix that! The humour is great though, so I'd keep all or most of the jokes intact.
Also this:
BlueMax wrote:
1st thing that comes to mind is your profile starts off with excuses and an apology!
As logical as it may be, it starts the movie with a negative tone and foreboding music...