Welcome to the club, that sounds pretty much the same as my experience as well lol. I've put dating on hold for now though, since I'm going to be moving soon, but back when I was still actively trying I was starting to notice some improvement. I think that a lot of it was that as I started meeting more women, I was able to become more comfortable around them sooner, as it usually takes me a while to warm up to people. Confidence is often touted as one of the most attractive qualities to women, so if you can shed any anxiety you may have it can only help.
Have you been going in for a kiss by the second date? I think that that's probably one thing that really hurts me since I haven't been, but really I'm not sure what I should do about it. I've never kissed anyone before so I honestly don't even know how people typically do it, and seeing as I'm closing in on 28 I obviously can't tell anyone that! Not to mention that a crowded restaurant doesn't exactly seem like the most conducive places to kiss someone for the first time, and that's usually where my first date or two with someone ends up.
Another option is to try to think of something really interesting for a second date, outside the box. Of course it depends on how well you know the person beforehand, but be creative...art museums, white-water rafting, a trip to historical monuments, a concert, etc. Those are just a few basic ideas I had but it depends on both of your shared interests, as well as what's in your area.