MXH wrote:
while i wont say such scams dont exist, the footballer is just a lie. More than likely he is gay in a very christian place, in a very christian team and is hidding it by having a "long distance relationship" and when he couldnt back it up he pretended to have been scammed.
That's what I think might be the case, as not only does he go to a Catholic university, but he's also Mormon. Both the Catholic and LDS churches teach that homosexuality is a major sin, so if anyone is gay in those churches, they learn to hide it, or in some cases, they quit going to church.
In a way, it's a good thing this football player didn't go to BYU as once the hoax was exposed, he might have been kicked off the football team. BYU had kicked a basketball player off of the team when he admitted to premarital sex with his girlfriend. In the BYU case, the girlfriend was real.