For those who have been following my story, a small update. After a crazy summer I've started to life back together. I got pass the depression and attempted suicide. I have a job now. I lived in a shared house now. In November I started dating Holly, we lasted for two fun months. Very soon after the break up I went on the hunt for a new girl. Two weeks after my break up with Holly, I went on an amazing date with a girl Sam.
That first date with Sam was Saturday. We saw the Hobbit together. We talked, we laughed, we held hands and we even kissed before the end of the movie
We went to Nandos, I showed my ability to eat lots of spicy chicken
Afterwards we meet up with her friends, they noticed how much we clicked. I get on quite well with her friends. Sam told afterwards that her friends liked me and approved of me.
Now I'm stuck with fear not knowing if I can better that first date or keep her interest because that first date was almost perfect in my eyes. Is it weird to have this kind of doubt after an amazing date ? How can I deal with it ? We clearly already like each other it would be a shame to waste such a good chance at romance.