aspiesandra27 wrote:
How do you know that's what the women are thinking? Or is it just your perception?
I would never assume a man wants to have sex with me, based exclusively on his kindness towards me.
Are you insecure?
Could be perception, but its happen enough time's that I can kinda tell the signs. For instance, at first when I'm nice/polite everything is great; They actually try to make themselves "available" to me, but I don't know how to deal with that, so I just continue being me. After a while they Figure out I'm not interested like that, then that's when the relationship go's sour... I can't see it, But I can feel it; its really hard to explain, and probably even hard to grasp, but it is what it is. There have also been instances where out of the blue, somehow it comes up, someone will say "oh no, you know Brandon's gay right?", And I'm sitting there Like NO, why do you say that???? I am then told the reason why. So, that's how I know.
I wouldn't expect a female on this website to assume that To be honest; It's more of the "Mainstream" females that assume this.
I'm not really sure what you mean exactly by insecure (Looks? gender? Emotionally? All of the above???), but although I was pretty insecure at one point, That is a thing of the past. In fact, I am VERY confident now to the point where people hate on me for it ALL the time (That's a different topic for a latter date though). I'm one of those people who when I walk into a room, or speak in a conversation, everyone immediately notices ( I'm sure some can relate), even though that's not really what I'm looking for. I actually prefer to fly under the radar, I'm just very confident in who I am and my different-ness (not a real word, feel free to burn me at the stake):D
Ok, now that that's out of the way, Do you have any solutions?
answeraspergers wrote:
This is true on a sliding scale based on "how hot the woman is".
Its true that it may just be who you are but the ego of the very attractive woman is massive! However in 95% of cases they are still probably right. They just dont spot the 5.
I thought this might be the case, but wasn't sure. Its a shame really.
Uprising wrote:
Just tell them "I'm nice to everyone I encounter, lalalalala, I hold the door open for women AND men".
That's a nice and simple solution, but usually its a little too late at that point. Once they have the notion that you "may be" homosexual, it's really hard to shake. Thanks.
Last edited by Phenom on 25 Jan 2013, 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.