Me too.
For a 'perfectionistic' aspie that noticed that the rest of the world (right world?) can somehow manage to pull it off successfully countless hundreds of millions of times for their web pages - it really, really pisses me off.
Doesn't matter if it's for dating or any other interest, it's empty promises (which look like lies), apparent incompetence, and complete disregard for their own self-esteem, and the hoops I had to jump through just to find out it's garbage.
Plus the grrls on the first default search page that works - probably think I'm some kind of Stalker Creep because I kept clicking the profiles that did show trying to test against the ones that wont show, checking different settings w/my web security.
I didn't notice that it tells you when your profile has been clicked.
So, I think - am I so stupendously unattractive that NO ONE ever checks my profile? or is it they just can't.
Dunno -gave up.
Too bad, seemed like a great plan, looks like some interesting ppl there.
Now what? Where else can someone go?
I will not dump money on untested sites no matter how 'promising' or 'testimonialized". It would be an endless proposition.
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no love at all.
(14.01.b) cogito ergo sum confusus