They (all the girls I've been with) would always try to shit-test me no matter what.
Well, there is that girl I've been dating casually last two weeks and today she asked me a question; which in my opinion, was disturbing and very absurd.
The question was (translated) "relationship-wise, do you consider yourself generous or not?"
I was like "No, i am a stingy beggar guy as you've already seen "(in a overly sarcastic 'tone', note that I paid for all dates earlier even when she suggested half half once because i was often the one who was doing the inviting and because.....well see the explanation in bold below*) (For MCalavera the original text was: لأ ولله متل ماشيفة أنا بخيل وقاطع ايدي و شاحد عليا
and she replied: "Nooo, I mean do you believe in half-half or what?" (Now THAT what made the original question disturbing, THAT what has exposed that it was a trap question, a s**t test).
So I've awkwardly got silent for a moment and asked back "What does one's generosity has anything to do with believing in half-half?" (note: on my okcupid profile there was that part: and I met that girl through that site).
Her: "Some guys who believe in half-half are stingy; some aren't"
Me: "You did a correlation chart I believe, can I see it please ?"
Her: "I am just asking! Stop kidding"
here my face got really grumpy, : "this is a disturbing question somehow, what did you see in me so far? you should already know the answer"
Her: I am just asking
Me: it sounds like a trap question that women love to ask
Her: "noooo I am trying to get to know you better"
Me: "Well, If I say that I believe in half half then you would assume I am stingy and if I say I don't then you would assume I am a chauvinistic man"
Her: Don't judge me here (how funny, she's the one was trying to judge).
Her: "What do you mean by chauvinistic?"
Me: "a man who doesn't believe in men-women egalitarianism"
Her: "Women hate stingy men, you should know that" (this one stinged and I really wanted to throw something on her face at that moment because she sounded assuming i am stingy) .
Me: "My okc profile was very very clear about this point I believe, I am generous and pro-egalitarianism, not just in term of dinner's half half but about everything, I was raised by two working parents and they're values I believe in them and has nothing at all with generosity"
Her: Ok
(I wasn't very convinced with her ok, so I looked at her into the eyes)
Me: but now deep inside you, you think that i might be stingy undercover and hiding it behind equality values, because you've obviously established in your mind a link between half-half and stinginess"
Her: Well i can't assume anything I have to see that
Me: O Really? you asked this question in order to assume things
Her: Sam habibi no really But i wanna get to know you more
Me (here I almost YELLED): Exactly! you get to know me with TIME and from my actions and not by asking me stupid questions like this!! !
Her: Ok sorry ! ! Won't ask you anything.
Me: only with time you get the answers you're seeking
Her: I don't mean anything! I'm saying how people in our society believe
Her: "I believe in half half but I am not not stingy myself" (yea right, I believe my ass)
* When I invite I always pay no matter what, but sometimes dates happen without clearly who invited the other (developed from mutual suggestion) - in that case, .and this my date-payment behaviour: The more the girl insists to pay half-half and shows she's willing to pay half, the more I insist to pay the whole bill, most of times I ended up paying everything happily , why? because this initiative of her tells positive volumes about her; but when the girl sits there expecting me to pay everything just because she has a vagina (turn off for me), therefore I show less willingness to pay half making her realize to pay the other half, I cut contact with the girl after that. So as you see, it's not about the money, it's about how I evaluate the girl and how much worth to continue with her.
The girl above sounded in the previous dates to be of the first type (insisting or at least suggesting to pay half) but now I totally suspect it.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 29 Dec 2012, 1:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.