hyperlexian wrote:
i haven't met too many men who go through their entire adult lives without asking out any women at all, ever. so i can't really imagine an entire population like that. it is too absurd. most men ask out some women, at least - very few are so shy that they don't ask out any at all. i know ythey do exist, but they are the exception.
it's possible to imagine that we had a different culture where women were asking out men instead of the reverse, just as a different trend. and some super-shy women would also get left out in the cold. i suppose men have to either overcome their shyness to some sight degree or live with the consequences of not having any dating opportunities, and if the roles were reversed then women would be in that position.
I said a wizard puts a spell on every man. Think of it like a movie. it be called ''a women's nightmare''
where every men are shy and social awkward and are too shy to ask out any women.
because of that stupid wizard.