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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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11 Feb 2013, 3:51 am

I've got a few questions I wanted to ask and I was hoping to get an answer from some of our more life experienced Wrongplaneteers here;

I'm a single guy who lives on his own, however I haven't been steady with any particular girl in a very long time. I've gotten used to it and occasionally I get really depressed like tonight and just hurt from being alone in that facet of my life.

These are my questions.

How long is too long to ignore that facet? Success without romance? Is it unhealthy to try to conquer that emotion and ignore it? It's primarily biological and then secondary sociocultural. Needless to say it wanders around in many corridors of your mind.

It hurts a lot today and I don't want to keep on living like this trying to ignore it or conquer it. Could some of you wiser more experienced WP members part with me some of your wisdom on the matter? It's incredibly painful and overwhelming. I don't usually make posts like this; but it's starting to feel detrimental to my health.


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11 Feb 2013, 8:13 am

living with feelings of lonelyness is indeed detrimental to your health, although repressing them isn't exactly healthy either, it is better then letting those feelings run free.

the best thing that helps for me is talking freely about them to someone (usually my psychologist).
aside from that, i am lucky to have some good friends (all single) that make it easier to ignore my lonelyness, but a few of them have a boy/girlfriend, and if they are together, it only strengthens the feelings...


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11 Feb 2013, 8:15 am

Well New York is a busy place, you should try arranging a meet up for people on the spectrum or look for some groups in your area.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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12 Feb 2013, 3:05 am

Thanks guys =)

I probably will try a little bit of each.

My problems with romance are much more under the surface then I thought they were.

I know a lot of people on the spectrum so life isn't too bad.

After being on chat roulette today I found myself falling for a 15 year old after not giving out contact info to her. Point being I'm out of my mind. I'm not usually like this. I instinctively made the right decision to not make the wrong one and take advantage of a naïve mind to ice bag my own insecurities.

I find myself unfamiliar with relationships and at a disadvantage with social ques of the sort.

I don't know what to do though It's so hard to even find a woman these days who im remotely attracted to. Im really intellectual and find it hard to "connect" with a woman who is not like minded.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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12 Feb 2013, 3:59 pm

You could look for support groups or try online dating. But I would say being alone is preferable to being with the wrong person a lot of the time. And believe me there were plenty of times when I felt incredibly lonely when I was in a relationship.

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12 Feb 2013, 4:55 pm

Uncertainty wrote:
I probably will try a little bit of each.

After being on chat roulette today I found myself falling for a 15 year old after not giving out contact info to her. Point being I'm out of my mind. I'm not usually like this. I instinctively made the right decision to not make the wrong one and take advantage of a naïve mind to ice bag my own insecurities.

I find myself unfamiliar with relationships and at a disadvantage with social ques of the sort.

I don't know what to do though It's so hard to even find a woman these days who im remotely attracted to. Im really intellectual and find it hard to "connect" with a woman who is not like minded.

New York is a hell of a hard place for this. Everyone's hurry, everyone's on the lookout for themselves, assuming by default that being called out by a stranger is the start of a hustling.

Others have said similar, so I can only repeat that: start smaller, get used to like-minded New Yorkers at a lower strength of contact than a romantic relationship. Find, or explore, an interest. One thing New York is generally not short of is people interested in ... just about damn well anything. Do some looking around and you can probably find it there.