I've liked a girl for a while now (since January actually, i had known her for a while but it was early this semester I realized I liked her) and really want to let her know. I want to be more than just friends, and if she (unfortunately) doesn't feel the same way I do then I know its time try to move on. I've thought about it and got some stuff I think would be good to say but I want a second opinion.
*walk up to her*
"Hey, can I talk to you?"
Then when I get her alone
"Hey Anna, I've wanted to say this to you but have been too scared before now. I like you and would love to do more with you. So here's my phone number and if you're free this weekend text me and we can set something up."
And if I don't get the chance to talk to her in person or get too scared I've thought about just handing her a note, that doesn't need more than 5 seconds to hand her and I don't need to get her along. It feels like a good back-up plan and I've thought about what to write in it too.
I would have liked to say this to you in person but I never got a good chance to talk to you alone. I don't really know how to say this any way creative or fancy so straight forward should be the next best thing, I like you. You're pretty, smart, funny, an all around great person. I'd like to take our friendship further, be more than friends. If you're free this weekend here's my number [insert phone number] and you can text me to set something up.
So there they are, I want to tell her soon that I like her. This is what I've come up with but I want a second person to look it over before I say something stupid and mess it up with her, and I trust the anonymity I have here more than I trust any person I know in person.