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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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Joined: 2 Sep 2008
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Posts: 180
Location: Rochester, New York

22 Apr 2013, 6:25 pm

In the midst of my last meltdown, I had some hard peer to peer communications, even with my parents about the whole concept and how being lonely and trying to find someone has turned from just causing depression to causing anxiety. There was a consensus that at my age, women aren't completely ready to find a long-term partner or settle down with anyone yet.

There were some other pointers as well. My dad had the same issues as well (he's NT though) and almost threw in the towel, like me, before he met my mom. Also, when I tried to attempt a second relationship, I was still a bit clingy (after dealing with a clingy ex in my 1st relationship) and it pushed her away from me to the point where she wasn't really sure about even trying to start anything with me.

This puts me in sort of a "What do I do" kind of moment, because I've never sought short-term relationships, because they always seem like a bad idea and something of a waste of time. If you're only gonna be with someone for a short period of time, then what's the use of hooking up in the first place? I've never really been out there to show people that I have potential, and it's a shame, because usually when older women see a picture of me, they say that I'm a handsome man.

I don't know anymore what to do to fight these thoughts of loneliness, I don't know if I should even care about finding anyone anymore, or just plain give up on everything.

"Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up."