Mine are, the majority anyway. Let me count my friends and acquaintances up.
All my friends I kept from high school have almost no success with girls at all. The one that did have success, married quite early, and he no longer really talks to me for whatever reason. So this is three brothers with no success with girls who are my friends. One big black dude who's like 25 now, who had very limited success, had success at his old Catholic school when he was on the football team and dated a girl from the Catholic girls school next door. His mom broke them up because his mom is crazy. At my school, he had no girls. Has limited success taking a girl out on an occasional date, but no relationships. He's probably about as awkward as me, but more confident/reckless, and black. Let's see, two Indian brothers I don't talk to too much anymore. Not much success on their end. Maybe one got a hookup or something at a party perhaps, but no girlfriends for either of them. I guess my latest friend is more of an acquaintance, 39 years old. As far as I know, not too successful with the ladies. Maybe has had a few GFs, but doesn't talk about any past relationships and isn't currently in one, and seems to be happy with any female attention at all, noticing things like "She said Hi to me, maybe she likes me." That I take for granted as part of normal politeness. So I'm assuming he's not doing currently too well. Let's see, I got one longtime interweb friend who gets hookups/occasionally has a girlfriend, and one other longtime friend who's not been without a girlfriend since like 20ish for 2-3 weeks tops. He didn't have a GF all through high school, though.
So pretty much all my friends, except for one, have terrible relationship experience. There's a saying, "show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
So I'm f****d, right?