AspergersActor8693 wrote:
I have had my eye on a few women that I had an interest in. I had been contemplating who I felt most interested in, and she was one of them.
The billion dollar question now is, how do I ask her out? I only have ever gone out with one other person, but I have known her for a few years and they were "as friends", so I really don't have any experience in asking someone new out.
To be honest, I really only have experience with online dating which is much simpler. lol
The only time I asked a girl out in person was about 15 years ago, we were chatting on the way home from college and I just asked her straight, if she fancied going to the cinema that evening, she said yes and that was it, everything just developed from there. I'd say that knowing her as a friend is probably to your benefit as you are already on speaking terms and if you were to ask her out somewhere there wouldn't be as much pressure around it than if you didn't really know her. I'd suggest you strike up a casual conversation with her and then after a while, ask her out somewhere, just the two of you as "friends" and see what happens.
However, I will point out that this advice is coming from someone who is socially awkward so take it for what it's worth. lol