neilson_wheels wrote:
Fnord wrote:
jlsvc92 wrote:
... Besides it's not telling him, hey you got Asperger's...
It's more like telling him, "
Hey! Here's one more reason why I'm glad we broke up!" ...
a full 8 months after the fact.
I have my doubts that such an act would be motivated out of compassion.
The fact that the OP has come here to ask advice and seems to have done some research indicates a degree of compassion.
Anon. what is your current relationship with your ex? Are you on speaking terms, do you see each other? Would you like to get back together?
It seems like you have not had any contact for some time.
Thanks, Neilson. It appears that my previous reply didn't show up, so I'm going to try again. My ex and I were in a long distance relationship (he's extremely gifted in computer science and is in grad school across the country), and I was very happy with him for the most part; we had talked about having a future together. Suffice it to say, because of the distance, getting back together wouldn't be feasible, and there would be a lot of other issues that we'd need to figure out. The main issue I had was the way in which he broke up with was very sudden and without warning; we had planned for me to fly out to his parents' house for the holiday. I contacted him via email a few weeks after we broke up and thanked him for the time we had together, and I apologized for any hurt that I had ever caused him. I never heard back. The main issue for me was how he broke up and his silence--not necessarily that we broke up to begin with.
I contacted him again via email recently for a couple reasons, and his response just, honestly, kind of surprised me. It felt like I was talking to a different person--he wasn't outright mean or anything, but it was completely lacking in emotion from my perspective, and I know him to be an emotional person. I don't want to divulge too many details about him and our relationship, but, based on some research I've done online (eg, "Life with Asperger's" blog--I can't post link), I think that there's a considerable possibility that he has Asperger's. And I think that a possible diagnosis would help to explain many of the issues and troubles that he had in his past that he discussed with me--as well as some of the issues we had in our relationship.
I know I haven't been researching this in depth, so I apologize if I've offended anyone--that's certainly not my intention. I hope that all makes sense; feel free to let me know if you have any more questions.