fueledbycoffee wrote:
Poly relationships? Got no problem with 'em myself. Actually, if you look at most of the traditional societies on Earth, such as the Himba, as well as our close evolutionary relatives (Chimps, Bonobos, Gorillas), monogamy seems to be the less natural of the two. The only reason why it's not acceptable in our society is because of repressive puritanical religious beliefs.
Go with your gut on this one. If you love multiple people, there's no reason to deny yourself, unless it would destroy your currently existing relationship, such as with your husband. However, you have to remember that a poly relationship isn't just you and your two lovers. They have a relationship as well. If you were to move on this, you'd have to make sure both parties, your husband and Ole Boy, are cool with it.
As for if I would be in one? Don't see why not. I'm not poly, myself, a strictly one woman kinda guy, but if, someday, I were to find a woman I loved, I'd have no choice but to allow her to be herself. If that means sharing her, then by all means, because otherwise, that's not love, it's possession. In fact, it might be somewhat liberating.
However, also consider local culture. You're from the deep south, right? It would be advisable to keep the whole deal on the downlow. Folks down there might not take too kindly to it.
And as legality goes, I think that the government has no business judging what goes on in bedrooms or hearts.
I could never actually pursue it and have it the way I'd really like it which is all of us living together. Neither of our kids would be able to deal with that. They would freak completely out and probably never talk to any of us again.
DH and Ole Boy get along ok. They have known each other a long time. He coached my sons in the Little League team and his oldest son is my husbands best football buddy. He comes over and watches the games all the time with him. He's better friends with DH than he is with my kids who are his age. But, DH and Ole Boy are both real big Alabama fans, they both believe in UFO's and are both Republicans and Catholic. They drink the same kind of beer and like the same kind of food and other than in the sack they are pretty much interchangeable because they both just sit there and look at tv or the internet. Ole boy is a bit more sociable than DH though but not much - he goes to Hooters once a week lol. If we all did live together it would be much easier for everybody financially. Having two incomes is better than one and while I'd have a little more housework than I do now, it wouldn't be all that bad. Just throw more laundry in and make bigger meals. Plus, all the "boy jobs" around the house would get done quicker I think, because DH is too tired to do a lot when he gets home from work. Also, Ole Boy knows about cars and DH doesn't know anything at all about them, so he could fix it rather than having to take it to a mechanic.
As it is, (before the fire, anyway) I'd go over there and clean the house up, and then take food over after I cooked it here, so I'd always have to get my other dishes and bring back, and I'd do his laundry there at his house, so it actually seemed like more work.
I think they would get along just fine in regular day to day stuff. They would just sit on the couch and drink beer and watch ESPN which what they both do separately anyway. But, if we were to ever do that (which we never will, but a girl can dream) I would want to have my own room too. I have four bedrooms so that wouldn't be a problem. That would actually be kind of great. See, DH knows about Ole Boy, and of course Ole Boy knows about DH, and neither of them seem to have any problems with any of that. I just have to not be too obvious about going over there, or just pretend like we are just good friends and nothing else. It's one of those things where we all know, but we all pretend it's different. My kids don't know anything at all about it, but his kids do. I am absolutely amazed at the fact that his kids had enough self control to not tell my kids. His ex wife knows too, and she's a friend of mine and I fixed her up with a single friend and they still date off and on. She's come over there when I've been there and I thought it would be awkward but it really wasn't.
So, I think it would work just fine, but there is not a snowballs chance in hell of it actually happening. Then again, I like having a place to go to just to get away from here when I'm stressed out. Since my best friend moved in with her mother I can't go there, so I go to Ole Boy's. Or used to anyway.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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