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21 Jun 2013, 8:17 am

Autistic Love Letters

Exploring it across a life span...

In an Autistic Way, :)

of course... ... tters.html

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 1:56 pm

I wrote a bunch and threw them away, never giving them to the intended person. I saved most of them even for a year or so after I stopped talking to the person, then threw them all out.

Time for some coffee to make me feel 1% happier after thinking of the subject of love letters.

I'm a huge p****.


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21 Jun 2013, 4:41 pm

Sparks, remember what I said about dreams?

Here is a thing about


Positive I’MAginatION,

and I am a Positive Ion.

A child ‘allowed’
continuing to build
positive imagination,

creates amazing things

in life and lives.

When one finds a way to see tapestry of life,
one sees a personal Universe of Truth…

Enjoy the place one creates.

It is one’s reality.

If one has children that are annoying
a focus on a four-inch screen,

most of the time…

they are asking
one to share


a place
one still

One has a mother to thank for that
telling one anything is possible

simply by not telling one
about limitation

or expectation.

If one cannot see it in photos
in life, one does not dream.

It is in the eyes of a mother
and a same child’s eyes that is




KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 4:50 pm

1000Knives wrote:
I wrote a bunch and threw them away, never giving them to the intended person. I saved most of them even for a year or so after I stopped talking to the person, then threw them all out.

Time for some coffee to make me feel 1% happier after thinking of the subject of love letters.

I'm a huge p****.

The last post might not have made sense.

This song says the same thing about letters
not sent, and a reality we are largely responsible for.

I'm planning on adding the last post to my 'thought'.

You provided a memory in not sending your letters, as a 'perfect'
ending of song for my 'little' thought,
that I will add soon,

a period
of I.

Thanks for that sincerely,

with no intention.

Otherwise known
as synchronicity.


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 5:26 pm

The guy that wrote this song
by coincidence or synchronicity
'looked' a lot like 'Jesus' when he

was younger.

The message is the same.

Universal ones do not go away.

It is one song that says it all.


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 5:42 pm

[youtube][/youtube] ... rries.html

I feel more like this.


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21 Jun 2013, 5:43 pm

Super Tramp!


The Universe Winks back at ya!! !

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 5:48 pm

1000Knives wrote:
[youtube][/youtube] ... rries.html

I feel more like this.

A beautiful song; part of my reality too. Here at this link: ... hymia.html

Oops, I forgot part two, Goodbye Sunnyboy. ... y-boy.html

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Jun 2013, 10:08 pm

aghogday wrote:
The guy that wrote this song
by coincidence or synchronicity
'looked' a lot like 'Jesus' when he

was younger.

The message is the same.

Universal ones do not go away.

It is one song that says it all.


Call me a young whippersnapper, but I swear the first version of that song I heard in recent memory was the Scooter happy hardcoreish version.

I recognized the version you posted and knew I heard it before as a kid, back when my oldies station actually played old music.

Another Scooter song I like.

As far as more the feelings of love letters, I think of this song more:

Interestingly, music is the only way to express feelings very well for me. I can't say I feel like *insert emotion name* here very well, but I can usually pinpoint it and pick out a song out of thousands.


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22 Jun 2013, 6:10 am

1000Knives wrote:
aghogday wrote:
The guy that wrote this song
by coincidence or synchronicity
'looked' a lot like 'Jesus' when he

was younger.

The message is the same.

Universal ones do not go away.

It is one song that says it all.


Call me a young whippersnapper, but I swear the first version of that song I heard in recent memory was the Scooter happy hardcoreish version.

I recognized the version you posted and knew I heard it before as a kid, back when my oldies station actually played old music.

Another Scooter song I like.

As far as more the feelings of love letters, I think of this song more:

Interestingly, music is the only way to express feelings very well for me. I can't say I feel like *insert emotion name* here very well, but I can usually pinpoint it and pick out a song out of thousands.

I wasn't able to listen to music for five years. Something 'broke' in my brain/heart.

I just started getting the ability back in the last three months. It literally has saved my life, and probably ultimately saved my marriage.

If it wasn't for music I would have little to no contact for emotions or a soul, period.

I am still working on that blog post Autistic Love letters, and the most recent song, "Silent Lucidity", reminds me a lot of the song you added above about love letters.

I also added a "Thousand Years".

In fact, those two songs captured my experience of coming of the 'hell' of Alexithymia so much that I dotted the I. of my last 20 posts in a journey out of that hell, with those two songs.

I suppose I will dot them here, too.

Why not; the most I stand to lose is my soul; I already know what it doesn't feel like to have one, where every second is an eternity of hell that literally feels like it lasts forever.

If I do lose it again, I can take the journey out again, by reading the blog again, and listening to the music.

An algorithm out of hell, I created for the future. Hope I don't have to use it again, for passwords/songs to freedom.

My wife is 43 years old; she hasn't aged since she was nineteen, when I first met her 24 ago.

I was born on 60660; and often told I was the Devil, with a look of superstition, in my little hyper-religious town when I was carded for beer. Not being able to love my wife in the last 5 years, who sacrifices everything for me, is a hell that I have already earned.

I have been financially independent now for 5 years; have everything I could hope for in life, except the soul that I lost that makes everything else meaningless. I had an extreme nerve pain issue in my face. When I gained my soul back, the pain went away like 'magic'.

Perhaps there is no "God", but there is magic.
My wife is proof of that.

Be careful what one wishes for.



KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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22 Jun 2013, 6:27 am

I think music is inspired in people who can no longer express emotions; finding it escaping them in creativity.

I could never create music on a piano until I lost my soul.

Those are the type of artists and songs that draw my emotions the most, now.

When I had a 'fuller' soul back in the 70's it seemed like music was overall inspired by emotion rather than emptiness. There is an emptiness, overall in culture, expressed in music. It is a microcosm, of the soul of humanity. At least in the US.

Good thing there is youtube; to journey in the past. :)

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22 Jun 2013, 3:35 pm

1000Knives wrote: ... kodomo.htm

Thanks A Thousand Knives; there is 'perfect places' in my posts to link those two links to express what I what I was trying to say about a human child. :)

Along this journey so many people have provided the emotions I have been searching for; either by intent or synchronicity.

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22 Jun 2013, 6:13 pm

deleted double post.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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Last edited by aghogday on 23 Jun 2013, 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.


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22 Jun 2013, 6:15 pm

Autistic Love Letters ... tters.html

It is finished now...

Thanks again a Thousand Knives
for communicating with me.

It is something I saw
before I could speak

that I have been trying
to put into words
for five decades...

If no one else reads it
permalinks clicked
comments viewed;

I hope it will be you,
because you provided
the same simple message.

In music and lyrics

from a timeless place...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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22 Jun 2013, 7:19 pm

1000Knives wrote: ... kodomo.htm

... ... cWYkLqcKng


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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Last edited by aghogday on 22 Jun 2013, 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.