Things You have going for you?

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19 Jun 2013, 7:54 pm

ok so im sure this topic is a narcissists dream, i keep seeing that Cracked article about ( 6 harsh truths that will make you a better person)
The thing is, alot of people when failing in love tend to look at the negative (too fat, too thin ect)
I see a lot of negativity on these boards and if we spiral in negativity how can we ever get anyone else to like us? so come on post some good things about yourself..

So here we are gonna throw out a few things that are good about ourselves... note, no "i am a nice guy"
No "I own A" this is about abilities that we have going for us not material objects we own..

Things i want to see: I have non material - but sets you out ie college degree, my own place is fine as its an accomplishment.
I can things you can do that other people cant do, specialist things not picking up the remote with your feet (though i feel thats definitely a distinguished skill, but i digress)
Things i intend to be able to do/i am learning..

I really think if you put a few of your accomplishments out there or things you can do, alot of people might realise they are not "total losers" and actually have quite a lot to offer other people in a relationship, be truthfull, you don't even have to post here because the list is for yourself entirely, to make you feel good, its not a pissing contest. ill show a basic example..

I have a second place trophy for chess that i won in school (no i do not bring that into relationship chatter funnily enough - yes its material but its earned, not bought) A position as deputy youth leader for my region in a political party, i have my alevels.. i have applied to do charity work and am waiting for the information

I can cook a wide range of food from scratch, i can perform simple first aid, i can swim half a mile.

Things i intend to improve upon - i am currently learning norwegian though not proficient yet, the piano downstairs should be played i intend how to learn to do so, i am learning to drive and next year i intend to enroll on a university course however in the mean time i will pursue charity work, i intend to learn archery also. i have inquired about pilot training but my mother hates flying so its a no.

So come on guys life isn't all bad, lets get some positivity going on here.. whats do you have working in your favour.. how do you intend to improve your situation?


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19 Jun 2013, 7:58 pm

I'm a social animal. I guess I got that going for me. If I didn't I would have ended up in a very dire situation many a time in the last 3-5 years. Thanks to networking I managed to avoid being homeless or a very rough living after this tenancy agreement expires.

Another thing I guess is my ability to usually consider most scenarios before applying my thoughts or actions. Lateral thinking? Unfortunately this doesn't stop me making mistakes, as I can't always be on guard. But hey we live and we learn and I improve as I go.


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19 Jun 2013, 7:59 pm

for me, I am good runner and have won and place in my age group
I can run the mile in 5:40ish ( not the best, but better than alot of folks)
I am ''funny'' ( or people think I am)
I think I look ''cool''
I have very good self esteem
I am alot tougher than look
and I had sex before.
I like to exercise.


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19 Jun 2013, 9:27 pm

Im not dependennt on money, as I can grow/produc my own food and I usualy trade for othre necesities I dont have, liek other sort of food or textiles or buildin material I cant get myself.

I built my own home.

Im prety good at most thngs.

I can paint well.

I can write poetry.

I feel at oen with nature and the spiritss and the gods.

Im good at hunting and fishing and traping.

I know enuogh abuot social situations to get laid ocasionally.

I have a family who suports me and care for me.

Im blessed with one son.

Surprisngly that made me feel a litle good listing this.

Níb caram-si, á Áes catha


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19 Jun 2013, 10:46 pm

I look pretty good/great from what most people tell me.

I can fix cars.

I can cook.

I sound smart and stuff when I talk.

Not addicted/user of any controlled substances.


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19 Jun 2013, 10:58 pm

decent looks
decent job prospects/job (for now at least)
an aura of likability
being a kind and empathetic person without being a "nice guy"

And a few bad things:
crippling social anxiety
inability to form or maintain human relationships
aura of likability fades
no hobbies, passions, or deep interests (having a job or going to school takes too much of my mental resources; ADHD blues lol )

So which end of the scale is heavier? No idea.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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20 Jun 2013, 12:34 am

I generally think that I have a good looking face.

I can play guitar.

I do a martial art

I am someone that is good at communicating via social networks (though this can be a double edged sword).

I am punctual for the most part to event.

If there is something that I would like to improve, it would be my ability to generate income and my ability to cook.


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20 Jun 2013, 4:12 am

Thank you for starting this thread. It brings back the positives in my life that I forget to remember when the goings get rough....

I am a great cake artist and candy maker

I am a good cook

I sculpt dolls and food realistically out of clay

My visual memory is excellent

I am good with computers

I am good at my job

I have good morals and values

I am good with animals


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20 Jun 2013, 6:57 am

not a bad thing to have started indeed, lets see...

1) i'm tall, some might say giant (about 6'6")
2) i have been told i'm good looking
3) i'm a great listener
4) i have more trouble relaying secrets then i have keeping them, so i'm a perfect living diary
5) i make friends with any type of pet almost instantly
6) i'm eager to please (perhaps too much so)
7) my goofy, dark, ad-rem sense of humour
8) as i have heared, i give a killer shoulder/back massage ;)


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20 Jun 2013, 9:45 am

Im funny! Well at least to people smart enough to get my jokes.


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20 Jun 2013, 10:23 am

MXH wrote:
Im funny! Well at least to people smart enough to get my jokes.

had alot of that in the past with people missing intentional irony and not remembering far enough back into the conversation..


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20 Jun 2013, 12:39 pm

- I have a college degree and most recently, a decent-paying job in my field of study.
- I'm in shape, at least for running anyway... I can throw down a 4:45 mile and regularly win the local 5Ks.
- I'm a decent singer.
- People tell me I'm funny, even if my particular brand of humor is almost exclusively freaking people out.
- I have a solid group of friends, even if we're now spread out all over the country.

Not my chair, not my problem, that's what I say.


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20 Jun 2013, 2:35 pm

In no particular order, I am healthy, sane, educated, and employed.

I'm also married to a beautiful woman, we own our home, and all of our kids are alive, healthy, sane, educated, and employed.

None of us has a prison record, an addiction, or a truly crippling disability.

And we're all employed.


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20 Jun 2013, 3:56 pm

I work out most days at the gym and have a body that is finally showing it.
I am extremely intelligent.
I can play the piano.
I'm good with computers.
I can cook meals and bake desserts.
I can hold a conversation on most topics (as long as they are intellectual).
I haven't compromised on my morals.


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20 Jun 2013, 5:32 pm


Yes, I'm still alive.


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20 Jun 2013, 6:21 pm

Giftorcurse wrote:

you have internet access? Most of the world don't brah.