3subjectnotebook wrote:
I guess what I'm just trying to get a cross is
1)I just realised that not only do i not sense other peoples emotion but I I don't sense by own either, I don't catch the beginning of my fall nor during Just when the stimuli gets too intense and I'm sobbing and unravelling on a blog. also I wanna know
How many person have been victim of unrequited love
2How do I go by fitting in at the workplace without people just thinking I'm shy or a doormat.
1) It's happened lots of times for me before. I think it's probably a normal thing to experience for most people, and even more so with Aspergers.
2) I struggle with this too. I'm not actually shy, but sometimes can come across that way because it's hard for me to think of things to say in "small talk" situations where the topic of duscussion doesn't really interest me. All I can say is practice in forcing yourself to try to talk a bit more can help a bit, but you may not be able to shake the view of shyness or introversion altogether. But hey, lets of people without Aspergers can come across as those things too and manage to get by, so its not the end of the world if people do sometimes think you're shy.
One thing I'll say about the crush thing though... when I look back in my past, I have more regret about situations where I was interested in someone and never told them, than I do about the situations where I did express interest in someone and was ultimately turned down.