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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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31 Jan 2007, 6:27 am

May as well mention what happened today, it's been an emotional roller coaster.
Okay, let's start with year 7.
Ever since I was 13 years old, I have begun developing emotionless obsessions with people of the opposite sex, I refer to it as "AS-Induced Obsessions". It's like a crush, but it's not. :P Anyway.
Year 8, I am having them more frequently. Still no emotional attachment, I am just obsessing.
Year 9, I am finally getting close. I have developed an obsession, but it shortly goes away. But something was different... Term 4 year 9, I actually begin to obsess over her again, but this time, there is an emotional attachment. I think I have a crush on her. :o Best thing, I catch her glancing in my direction (we're in the same class) on several occasions, it looked like she had some form of interest in me. She did it pretty frequently, although I assumed that she was just staring into space.
First day of year 10 (today), I haven't forgotten about her, we're in different classes, and astonishingly, I catch her looking at me through the window of the other class.
Now, if that doesn't show interest, I don't know what does. :P
Pro: She very likely has an interest in me.
Con: We're in different classes.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, she has talked to me on several occasions. So we're almost acquaintances. Heck, even if her interest is purely friendly, I'd be more than happy to be friends with her. :P


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31 Jan 2007, 7:04 am

Looking at someone through a window shows interest?

I wouldn't be too sure. When you obsess over people you like to think every random thing they do is because of you. I was like that, I always got it in my head the person liked me back because of their actions. I was probably wrong.


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31 Jan 2007, 12:32 pm

azsxdc wrote:
May as well mention what happened today, it's been an emotional roller coaster.
Okay, let's start with year 7.
Ever since I was 13 years old, I have begun developing emotionless obsessions with people of the opposite sex, I refer to it as "AS-Induced Obsessions". It's like a crush, but it's not. :P Anyway.
Year 8, I am having them more frequently. Still no emotional attachment, I am just obsessing.
Year 9, I am finally getting close. I have developed an obsession, but it shortly goes away. But something was different... Term 4 year 9, I actually begin to obsess over her again, but this time, there is an emotional attachment. I think I have a crush on her. :o Best thing, I catch her glancing in my direction (we're in the same class) on several occasions, it looked like she had some form of interest in me. She did it pretty frequently, although I assumed that she was just staring into space.
First day of year 10 (today), I haven't forgotten about her, we're in different classes, and astonishingly, I catch her looking at me through the window of the other class.
Now, if that doesn't show interest, I don't know what does. :P
Pro: She very likely has an interest in me.
Con: We're in different classes.
Your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Forgot to mention, she has talked to me on several occasions. So we're almost acquaintances. Heck, even if her interest is purely friendly, I'd be more than happy to be friends with her. :P


uhm. I don't think so. I don't mean to be blunt or rude. But that doesn't mean a single thing at all. looking at someone through a window. If it did, then I'd be a player and have a lot of ladies. But you shouldn't set yourself up for something like this.

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Pileated woodpecker
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01 Feb 2007, 1:09 am

But my point is nobody has ever done it before.
Look, maybe I'm overreacting, heck, I probably am. But the fact that this person actually looks at me when nobody else does is very pleasing.
Also, she's pretty nice to me, more than her friends are. So it'd be great to be friends with her.


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01 Feb 2007, 2:35 am

that still doesn't mean jack squat mate.

Plenty of girls are nice to me, but that doesn't mean they wanna date me.

I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.

Pileated woodpecker
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01 Feb 2007, 2:37 am

Not many girls are nice to me.
None of them want to date me. (that I know)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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01 Feb 2007, 8:32 am

The fact that you are in different classes is totally irrelevant..... from the sounds of things you don't really have anything to lose so if you get a chance to talk to her, do so.


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01 Feb 2007, 4:37 pm


I don't think that means that much.

THen again, High school relationships don't make sense these days. College do.

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01 Feb 2007, 5:54 pm

azsxdc wrote:
...Best thing, I catch her glancing in my direction (we're in the same class) on several occasions, it looked like she had some form of interest in me. She did it pretty frequently, although I assumed that she was just staring into space...

First day of year 10 (today), I haven't forgotten about her, we're in different classes, and astonishingly, I catch her looking at me through the window of the other class...

You sound like the average NT girl. Obsessed with a guy (girl in your case) whom she will probably never talk to. Obsessed with this person from a distance, excited when there is the slightest bit of contact, real or imagined.

It happens that the average NT girl is rather delusioned when it comes to relationships.

It probably means nothing. Just coincidental.

(But then, would you think the average NT girl would voice her feelings to the object of her affection? Probably not...)

A preposition is something you should not end a sentence with.

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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02 Feb 2007, 6:13 am

Heh, average NT girl. XD
Probably true though. :P
Anyway, as for telling u guys about it, it's just I haven't told anyone, and well I need an outlet to release it (it's not like you can tell all my friends XD (not that I have many...)), and most of all I may be able to get advice.
But now I am starting to consider the possibility that my attraction is turning into an obsession, which is never a good thing.
After this realization, I have tried to, well, relax a little. And it's bared positive results.
But, I have been thinking. Sure her looking at me frequently may not be a sign of attraction, but what could it be?
Ur the elders, what do you think? :P