Actually, I've gone on several dates. In fact, I was in a "hook-up" type casual relationship with this attractive lady for 3 months until I grew bored of the overly casual nature and said it wasn't working for me anymore. She didn't even reply to my text, and I just left it at that lol.
I NO have issues with social interaction and being able to skillfully communicate and flirt, etc. In fact, I've become fairly good at it. Also, there is no fear of commitment. I can be committed to a woman, as I was with one for seven years and remained loyal throughout. The issues seem to be the following:
- I don't know who to really choose as a partner
- my options always disappoint because it turns out that the girl really just wanted a hook-up, or perhaps she wanted a relationship, but in the end we just don't really "click;" this may be due to incompatibilities or her not being up to certain expectations, etc
- I become overstimulated due to constant social interaction. BIG ONE because, despite me being quite skillful at interacting with NT's and blending in, even impressing them with social wit, I actually feel like "I've socialized too much for now... need time alone for the rest of the day" after a while. Honestly, overstimulated is the only way I can describe this feeling. It's like you've been watching too much TV and need to do something else. Drives me nuts because then I'm lonely all over again lol.
This didn't really seem to happen with my ex because we got along so well. Too bad those kind of people so few in my life.
I do admit that the rush of the chase and lust IS very addictive. It's almost like a drug.
JanuaryMan wrote:
Do you in the back of your head fear that picking one girl from this site might not work out and there could always be someone better on the horizon? Do you find you are making excuses to ditch these girls when whatever problems you feel they might have in your compatibility can realistically be worked around? (e.g. culture, smoking/drinking, pets.)
Sometimes, although I can be totally monogamous and dedicated when in a meaningful relationship. I get exhausted of interacting after a while (too much stimulation).