Stargazer43 wrote:
So you avoid relationships because you're worried that if it doesn't work out, she's going to key your car? You can't let worry (especially for something unlikely such as this, which would be a criminal offense btw) hold you back.
I have a lot more to lose from my car being vandalized than from a break-up. If a relationships ends, I'll lose the sex and the companionship, but I'll still be able to carry on with my daily life pretty much like before. My friends will still be there, to buy me a consolation beer and give me a pep talk. My job will still be there, and it'll continue giving me income. My family will still be there, and... they'll still be there. My sources of entertainment will still be there, to take my mind off the break-up. My car will still be there, to let me get to my friends, family, job, and entertainment. Basically, I'll be knocked down a few notches, but I won't be defeated. And in a week to a month, I'll be good as new.
But if my car get vandalized, it'll be paralyzed in terms of getting to places. Public transpiration stinks where I live, and there are absolutely no buses going to my workplace. It'll take weeks for my car to get fixed. Or worse, if my insurance company classifies it as totaled, I'll have to go through the hassle of buying a new one. That and the hassle of pressing charges, and that goes along with having to prove that it was indeed my ex-girlfriend who vandalized the car. Plus the fortune I'll have to spend of lawyers for the whole proceeding.
I realize that by posting this, I just confirmed the stereotype that aspies lack empathy. But that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.