Who_Am_I wrote:
(I made a similar post to this in the Social Skills forum, entitled "Demisocial?".)
I'm adapting terminology from the asexuality community here.
According to one wiki, demisexual means
a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.
By demiromantic, I mean something similar: a person who doesn't desire a relationship unless they form an emotional connection to someone.
Throughout my life, I've been watching people fantasising about relationships, lamenting their lack of one, listening to music that would make you think that the only thing in life was romantic love, and generally acting as though getting a partner were the only true goal in life.
I can't relate. I've never had any desire for "a partner".
However, I have met specific individuals, gotten to know them, fallen in love, and
then I've wanted a relationship
with that particular person. Is anyone else like this?
Welcome to why I don't date anymore.
It took me dating a bunch to realise this was my problem.
Accepting that you are technically in the "queer" category because you are demiromantic takes some getting used to - because it also means you don't operate on the normal method of relating or dating.
I'm pretty similar, as you mentioned with friendships. I have no real desire for friendships per say as a concept, not until I know a person well enough and then I end up wanted a friendship with that person simply because of who they are.
It's very strange and most people will probably never understand - so unless you know they do, don't take them comment to heart (not that you ever would, but still
Other posters have posted similar issues.