there's some 'theory camps' who believe the ratio is the result of social factors not identifying women who are aspergers that lead to the ratio of 4:1.
Meaning: that there are more aspi females OUT THERE than in here.
Social factors may mean: general quietness. not prone to outbreaks. expected to be the quiet gender. thus overlooked.
It's something to lobby for. Living with this and not being identifyed is no joke! day after day...after bloddy stinking day....being discounted, overlooked..until you self research, go to the doctor and say what the fuuuuuuuu*k!
I'm certain there are many people who could be experiencing KNOWING what's wrong with them, who won't until they implode.
That is the problem with the ratio in my humble opinion. Boys are detected because they are loud and obnoxious. Girls are just past off as PMS or weird or something of no concequence. In General. Boys act out. Girls act in. If what is 'proper' to society is 'not acting out' than it makes sense that those who 'act in' are not sceduled for diagnosis, because they aren't really causeing any definable problem.
Though, they are still Aspergers on the inside.
This is a biased opinion. It seems natural to me. It is what the asperger knowlegeable caretakers in my life believe as well.
"I'm sorry Katya, my dear, but where we come from, your what's known as a pet; a not quite human novelty. It's why we brought you.... It's nothing to be ashamed of, my dear, but here you are and here you'll sit."