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03 Oct 2013, 8:53 am

(other than handicaps) How did trying something you think is different impress people you wanted to be around? For example, it can be martial arts, or trying out for the basketball team, bringing home 20 squirrels to pan fry with your buddies, or even bringing the scary movie to the party but not the one they wanted. Basically, mention anything cool that happened that impressed anyone.
|for the self-esteem issues in l&d|

comedic burp


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03 Oct 2013, 9:18 am

I impressed my friends with one of my Rocket Raccoon combos in UMvC3.
(in corner) L M H Mad Ripper S L H S Boulder Trap Spitfire (L,M) Mad Ripper S M S Bear Trap xx Rock N' Roll


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03 Oct 2013, 10:59 am

I was the lone white guy in one group of friends, and I somehow managed to impress them with a sense of humour that knew no bounds.


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03 Oct 2013, 11:05 am

claiming I pwned Zezima in the wildy


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03 Oct 2013, 12:09 pm

Codyrules37 wrote:
claiming I pwned Zezima in the wildy

I wonder how many people here understand this reference.


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03 Oct 2013, 6:35 pm

those that played 07scape


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03 Oct 2013, 6:53 pm

I do a range of different stuff every week. I live an active life.
People take interest yes, as it seems I'm always up to something..some find it amusing, but generally none are impressed by any of it in the way of fascination or being more than mildly intrigued.

So what do I do?
Gym, driving lessons, 2 meetup groups, participate in another group of National Autistic Society, visit a social club and occasionally do promo work, I play video games, I'm constantly buying or selling bargains, I listen to the radio, I do volunteer work (which very soon will be paid and managerial work)....

I can only gauge from this lack of genuine interest in my activities that............
1) People would feign more interest if I looked hot, FINISHED my driving lessons and my work officially give me my start date and contract.
2) I might come across as intimidating to girls because I'm "too busy" yet organized.
3) I might come across as "pompous" even though I'm very modest about everything I do, usually even making fun of it (they might be protecting their own ego by projecting the notion I'm a "know it all" or a "jerk").
4) In spite of any of the above, my personality is most likely too complex for anyone to actually like me that way.
5) A mix or all of the above.

So yeah, your weird or unique hobbies as a handicap or average Joe might interest people but probably not in the ways you might hope, unless you already tick several other boxes in the dating game.
Dare I say it, at times I'm probably looked at more like a Napoleon Dynamite type for it than actually an interesting person, even though my ambition was never to impress anyone but do more for myself.


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03 Oct 2013, 7:11 pm

JanuaryMan wrote:
3) I might come across as "pompous" even though I'm very modest about everything I do, usually even making fun of it (they might be protecting their own ego by projecting the notion I'm a "know it all" or a "jerk").
4) In spite of any of the above, my personality is most likely too complex for anyone to actually like me that way.
You do realize those are contradictory right?

Helping others. If you help co-workers it shows you are knowledgeable. There is very rarely a time that it is a good idea to tell someone "I am very smart". You will just appear arrogant and that you are trying to prove the opposite of what you are. But if you show that you are smart (helping others, witty since of humor, sexual jokes are too simple) then that will impress others.

Caring about your body. People might think your face isn't the most attractive. But if you are in shape and dress nicely that won't be as much of a factor.

Almost forgot one of the most important ones, confidence. This isn't to be mixed up with arrogance. You could do all of the above but if you aren't confident then people will not care. Confidence/ having a good attitude is probably the most important thing you can do.

Here's a clip from Good WIll Hunting (great movie!). Ben Affleck (first guy) was confident, he was out of his league education wise, but he still went for it. If he wasn't confident the interaction wouldn't have even happened. Blond guy was a huge A-hole because he was arrogant and just wanted to make fun of the guy. Will was smart, didn't have to tell people he showed it, and he was okay with doing that because he was confident about what he was saying.


Well you can go with that if you want.


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03 Oct 2013, 7:17 pm

I think you have got the wrong end of the stick. Why would I go around telling people I'm smart? lol I know that's an a-hole thing to do. I don't hold any degrees or PhD's either so I'd look like a dumbass for saying this. Furthermore, I don't think myself that smart. I'm aware enough to realise I'm not an academic genius.

By complex I mean "complicated" person. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm a mastermind, or very interesting person. It just means I have a lot of aspects about me and some of them are bound to put people off. I'm confident talking to almost anyone, just not on a level of showing sexual interest or in some cases picking favourites.


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03 Oct 2013, 7:21 pm

JanuaryMan wrote:
I think you have got the wrong end of the stick. Why would I go around telling people I'm smart? lol I know that's an a-hole thing to do. I don't hold any degrees or PhD's either so I'd look like a dumbass for saying this. Furthermore, I don't think myself that smart. I'm aware enough to realise I'm not an academic genius.

By complex I mean "complicated" person. That doesn't necessarily mean I'm a mastermind, or very interesting person. It just means I have a lot of aspects about me and some of them are bound to put people off. I'm confident talking to almost anyone, just not on a level of showing sexual interest or in some cases picking favourites.
In case it was unclear I only meant the very first part of what I said to be directed to you. The other stuff was just general advice.

Well you can go with that if you want.


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03 Oct 2013, 7:25 pm

Delphiki wrote:
The other stuff was just general advice.

General, yet very good :)


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03 Oct 2013, 7:36 pm

While it's good to be busy and active in life, this isn't a primary way to attract the opposite sex. At best it's a good way to get people interested in you a little bit, and it can make for good conversation, and people do admire others who are active whether it's running their own business or they have a hobby on the side they enjoy.

But the truth is if you are trying to attract women, they care more if you talk about them and ask about their interests. People like to talk about themselves, especially women.


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03 Oct 2013, 10:48 pm

I was hanging out with my dad and his friend, listening to old Hank Williams records. I started singing along to a song, and they both said they were pretty impressed. It was one of Hank's yodel type songs and my dad's friend, who sings in a choir group, said that was hard to do. I was a little embarrassed at the time, but now I see it as a compliment.


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03 Oct 2013, 11:00 pm

People are strangely impressed that I make my own bacon.

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez


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04 Oct 2013, 1:20 am

a few examples that impressed my friends:

I once accidentally parallel parked a Warthog in Halo: Combat Evolved
Double headshot with 1 bullet in Halo: Combat Evolved
beating 2 of my friends in 3 player deathmatch on Halo 2 even though 90% of the match I did doughnuts in a Warthog blasting the horn
beating the first 3 floors in Wolfenstein 3D on I am become death...on my first time playing.
scoring a sealed copy of Killer Instinct for SNES complete with Killer Cuts CD on eBay for $15
beating MGS3 with only 1 kill ( and I have no idea how/when it occured....I was going for no kill )
37 hit Ultra Combo with Jago in Killer Instinct

Ore Sanjou!

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Oct 2013, 3:26 am

I don't try to impress anyone. I do things that interest ME!