Shaded wrote:
I have tried not giving up a lot. I really think I might just be alone. As I type this now my family are all going out with their significant other. I'm home alone. Nothing new. And I just got into an argument with a girl who I thought meant well. But she's just like a few others I've tried to date. She only liked how I treated her and boosted her ego, she could have gave a damn less about my feelings. I don't meet women at bars or clubs--as I see wasted women as being unattractive. But I am really getting fed up.
Just realize that dating is a game until you find the right person. Until you find the right woman (if you ever do) the relationship is going to be about what you have to offer her. This could be how much of a provider you are (money), your looks, or if you have the personality good enough to keep her around with not much to compensate in the other categories.