The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
What do women say about guys' looks, their bodies, their hair, their shoe size....? Share concrete examples of bad or good gossip, tame things...all behind the guys' backs.
In my experience, women usually don't talk about looks beyond a generic "he's cute (if young)/"handsome"(if middle aged). There may be the ocassional remark of liking/not liking a particular hairstyle. But mostly when men aren't around (and I am around) women talk about men's behaviour. In a miixed age group (young women and older women like me), the young women will talk about a behaviour seen on a date or in a relationship and the older women will discuss if that is a positive or negative sign for a long term relationship.
For the record, "too nice" has never been used as a relationship disqualifier. Never. Not once. I've been having these discussions with other women since the early 80's and
no one has ever said "too nice". If "nice" comes up in a negative context, it always starts as "he's nice but..........." and then what follows will be some disqualifier such as "he doesn't want a serious relationship, just a FWB" or "he still seems stuck on his ex" or "he talks non-stop about sports". But it's not too common for "nice" to come into these conversations. The behaviours discussed (and it is almost always behaviour, not looks or car or money) tend to be very specific, not generic.