I got into a relationship with two girls, one was my best friend Girl A and the other is her best friend Girl B. Girl A has always been there for me, for years and I wanted to date her for 10 years since high school, but I was put into a situation, where I couldn't date Girl A without dating Girl B. Girl A is used to open relationships, but Girl B isn't, but was willing to deal with it in order to date me. Girl A has two boyfriends, I was the third and I became very good friends with them both and they helped me out with Girl A since the beginning. I started having feeling for one of Girl A's boyfriends and he really liked me. It was weird for me because I never had feelings for a guy ever. I told Girl B about it and she was fine with it and gave me the impression, that it was okay and even made a joke and asked "well can I watch you guys" and "Do you mind if he does things to me?", so she seemed fine with it. So, I told him Girl B was okay with me and him having sex and I flirted with him and told Girl B about it when I got high and she told me she was jealous and didn't want him to do something that she does for me. I tried to explain to her, that I thought she was okay with it and would never do anything to hurt her, but she called up Girl A and they both called me up on the phone and told me how much of a bad boyfriend I am and that she was never okay with me doing things with him, she was just okay about it begin a fantasy of mine and Girl A made me tell her boyfriend the guy I was talking to that I was just leading him on and I never foundout if it was 100% okay with Girl B. So, now I still have Girl B, but Girl A said I'm going to have to wait years to be with her again and now I lost the guy I was talking to, who I might of had a relationship with and I lost him as a best friend.