jrjones9933 wrote:
I don't buy at all the idea that sociopathy overlaps with the AS. The manifestations may appear similar on the surface, but the underlying causes of the behavior don't have much in common. Aspies may not notice that our single-minded focus on our special interest has hurt someone else, but if brought to our attention, we genuinely feel distressed. I don't believe that an Aspie would normally say, "Sorry, I won't do it again" in that situation. I mean, how much do we have to know ourselves to see that as an obvious lie? A sociopath would say just that, and would also do it again and again and again. Aspies appear to lack empathy, sociopaths actually lack empathy.
I don't doubt that many people have inaccurate diagnoses, but what a great cover for an actual sociopath to pretend to have autism. Even better if they believe it!
If someone goes out of his way to manipulate you, that suggests some kind of anti-social personality disorder.
Why can't they have AS
and lack empathy? Or have co-morbid ASPD, for that matter. I lack empathy. I may even meet the criteria for ASPD, if my behavior was documented. But I'm clearly autistic. Pretty sure I'm not just a confused psychopath.
That said, I doubt someone with AS could be
too "smooth".