What are the VERY BEST places to meet girls?

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26 Oct 2011, 1:20 am

obviously clubs / parties are a good place to meet girls, but i dont think i'll see the results i want to see with this scene.

other ideas i had include:

-grocery store
-video game stores
-random restaurants (although i think flirting with waitresses would be super hard // unpractical)
-the mall

any other places you guys can think of?

i really wanna go out and try to meet people, and work on my social skills with girls, but i really dont know where to start! i've been working on talking to girls in general, and i really feel like that is helping me a lot with not being so nervous around girls (and people, too). practice makes perfect right? i just wish my 'practice' actually yielded me some results, like finding a nerdy girl that im interested in XD.

honestly maybe i just need to start walking aimlessly walking around the mall on my days off XD


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26 Oct 2011, 2:04 am

Church maybe? Perhaps a support group?

I'm not even in a position to practice talking to the ladies..I try not to dwell on it


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26 Oct 2011, 2:19 am

The gym, or any physical activity club.

I made successful acquaintances with several girls there.

It's better than all the places you mentioned because it's natural to talk with the person who's doing the next machine, and there would be enough time for some chi-chat.

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26 Oct 2011, 2:43 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
The gym, or any physical activity club.

I made successful acquaintances with several girls there.

It's better than all the places you mentioned because it's natural to talk with the person who's doing the next machine, and there would be enough time for some chi-chat.

I agree. Because I am ridiculously shy its easier for me to meet people through running, volunteering, and other organizations. I could never randomly walk up to a stranger in a mall and start a convo...it just wouldn't be natural for me.


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26 Oct 2011, 3:52 am

Besides most people are there hoping to become more attractive later (and some think they're currently not) and they would not be expecting to be approached there since they would be sweating , no make-up and all this s**t , so if you talk to them they would be usually very flattered.

Pheromone secretion would be high too :p.


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26 Oct 2011, 3:58 am

Justin Beiber concerts? :P


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26 Oct 2011, 4:18 am

I've met many girls and guys over the years, but only ever dated two. The first went to a church that some friends of mine went to (24 years ago); and the second was at a pagan social gathering (14 years ago... and we have been married nine years).

So religious gatherings are good, and they don't have to be common religions.

I also recommend goth clubs if you can do the style. And nudist clubs. Didn't hook up with anyone when I used to go, but always plenty of people around to meet.

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26 Oct 2011, 6:51 am

Dog parks, if you have one.

Nothing breaks the ice like a cute puppy. Plus, when they see you playing with your dog, they subconsciously see you as a good father (you know, assuming you're not a dick to the poor thing), which of course makes you a more attractive potential mate.

And even if there's slim pickings that day, you can still have a pretty good time. Unlike bars and clubs, which suck when there are no interesting women.

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26 Oct 2011, 7:31 am

fantastic suggestions everyone :D thanks for all the help.

anyone else have any suggestions?


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26 Oct 2011, 7:49 am

Well, it's not so much a matter of just meeting girls as it is finding someone who has common interests. Stalking around in a mall looks REALLY bad and you really can't get to know a person/stranger in a mall unless you LOVE to shop. Make a list of things you like to do and then join a group that does these things. Proper communication with women of like-interest is where you need to start. Forget support groups, bars, and nightclubs unless you're sick, needy and/or alcoholic or have cancer from second-hand smoke. Healthy liasons come from happy, alert people with common interests. For example, if you join an astronomy club, this club will meet to do other things as well. You'll meet people who can also introduce you to people like yourself - whether it be a relative or co-worker in search of a partner. So, don't count on ALWAYS meeting someone at an activities club. You need to network through people who share common interests with you. Join a club to have a good time or one that will hone a skill that you have. Get it around that you're out to meet a partner.
When I was young, I took up volunteering at a local retirement center. I started talking about how lonely I was. Many fo the seniors I were helping were more than happy to introduce me to their grandsons, great nephews, etc... Some of these guys were amazing!! I married one and I'm still married to him for more than 20 years now...AND GET THIS....I'm still happy!!


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26 Oct 2011, 8:37 am

I'd really like to meet someone. I've signed up for a dating site but only one person has responded to me. I'm a reasonably good looking person.

To meet women I'm convinced you need a big circle of friends. People who know you well and wouldn't mind introducing you to someone. Or you just need to luck out on a dating site. My experience up until now tells me that can be hard though.

I think the important thing is not to let it get to you. Maybe devote a little time once in awhile to trying to meet that right person. But be careful not to let it interfere with the rest of your life as that's the #1 most important thing. And if you don't have that under control a good relationship isn't going to last long anyway.


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26 Oct 2011, 8:52 am

I don't think work or college have been mentioned.


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26 Oct 2011, 9:19 am

I've had awesome luck at the ice skating rink. Hot chicks there for sure. I've been told if you get seriously involved in figure skating, that you'll basically have your choice of girls for partners for pairs or ice dancing. I'm not serious yet, as I have no money for a coach, so everything is self taught, but at least you can try talking to the girls there and stuff. Also, the ratio to of females to males at the rink is like 5:1, there's almost no males that figure skate. Some of the males that figure skate, too, I wouldn't be surprised if some had an AS diagnosis. Lots of quiet pasty shy guys, sometimes in glasses.

So yeah, in my opinion, if you wanna meet girls, get into ice skating. Hell, I've met a girl there who's likely got NVLD like me and likes anime music and stuff (I get to play Japanese music there over the PA speakers for the whole rink to hear, woohoo.)

If you can't do ice skating, I'd say the other best thing to do is dance classes. Learn to dance, and then there's probably going to be a stupid high ratio of females to men there, too, and they're sorta forced to socialize with you on the basis of you being there alone. Also, both ice skating and dancing, both things you can use later for girls. I have a friend who's 50+ now, but he was playing football, and his coach told him to take ballet for better agility. So, after taking ballet, he took ballroom dancing, Latin dance, etc, he said he'd go to clubs and girls would buy him drinks just to dance with him. I probably gotta take dance classes, too, to learn the dances off ice before I try them on ice.

So that's my opinion on the matter.


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26 Oct 2011, 2:16 pm

1. School.
2. The Mall.
3. Library.
4. Museum.
5. Clubs.


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26 Oct 2011, 2:25 pm

I usually find them at the girlstore, its mighty convenient

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26 Oct 2011, 2:29 pm

Joker wrote:
1. School.
2. The Mall.
3. Library.
4. Museum.
5. Clubs.

A museum sounds cool (because I want a really curious girl), and even libraries sound interesting too. However, I don't really see much opportunity for socializing at such places. It seems most go to a library to sit quietly alone, and most go to museums with groups of friends and/or family to hang out only among each other.