I'm F, 33, POSSIBLE Aspie (working on getting a diagnosis of some kind--it could just be an anxiety disorder, but I've recently tested really high on the Ritvo and AQ tests), and I've been dating an Aspie guy for about six months. In the beginning, he would never ask me out, said he'd been rejected a lot in the past, but we talked about it and he's warmed up in the last few months and has been able to take the reins to suggest making plans with me sometimes. He's made really good progress. He almost always says yes when I ask him out, approximately four times out of five. We see each other about once a week, sometimes twice. We get along really well, have two special interests in common, very good sexual chemistry. We have communication problems sometimes, and I probably want to spend more time together than he does--he needs lots of alone time, and I'm a little more clingy/sexually needy (typical female Aspie). But we've been really into each other.
Anyway, about a week ago, I asked him at the last minute if he wanted to hang out with me and my friends, who he's met many times, and he declined, said it was late and he was tired. That was fine. Then I invited him to another group outing maybe five days ago, and he said he was booked that night but he'd let me know if his plans ended early. (They apparently didn't.) That was also fine. He was polite both times, which is something he didn't always used to be, so I noticed/appreciated that.
It's been about 10 or 11 days since I've seen him, and I'd like to hang out, but I feel shy about asking for a third time and possibly being rejected! I'm actually really terrified. This is definitely the longest we've gone without seeing each other, and I'm worried I'm getting dumped, so I don't want to be a pest. I've definitely messed it up in this department before.
He did contact me quite a few times over the weekend, but never to make plans--he texted to send me a photo that relates to an inside joke of ours, and he commented on quite a few of my Facebook posts. So I feel like he's been friendlier than he would if he didn't want to date me anymore. I also know he's been working a lot lately, and he told me he can sometimes forget to socialize if no one reaches out to him. I'm just so terrible at reading other people, especially another Aspie. I've been analyzing this into a fine powder for a couple days now and tormenting myself, wondering what I did wrong.
Should i just wait it out until he makes plans with me? Maybe the issue was that I suggested hanging out in a group rather than one on one? Should I just say screw it and ask him out again? If so, do you have any tips about how to get past the anxiety involved? My anxiety is off the charts tonight.
Any help would be appreciated.
Last edited by hydrozoa on 04 Dec 2013, 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.