There is someone at work I very much fancy and have done for some time. Even though I know fancying them is a bad idea, and probably can't lead anywhere, I can't help the feelings. The biggest issue, well not my eyes but is likely to be in her and her friend's/family, is that I am 33 and she is 10 years younger, though I do look younger than my age. There are some things that make me think she fancies me in some way, but I could just be misinterpreting friendly behaviour as such. We are both going to a Christmas Party next week. As I appeared to make conversation difficult I told her about my AS, which seemed to get a positive reception.
What attracts me most to her is her behaviour and also that she appears different to other people. I also find her physically attractive, even though she probably does not meet with commonly accepted norms of what might constitute as such to the general population. She seems like someone I feel I could really get on with and enjoy spending time with, and dare I say (due to the socially unacceptable nature of the comment in general) make a great mother for potential offspring. We sometimes chat on instant messaging on work computers, and she said to me people tell her she's weird. But she's not weird in an Aspie sense as she's very definitely socially integrated.
I am tempted to tell her just to get the feelings out in the open, my hope by doing so is a) there's a tiny chance we could date, or b) she would state clearly she has no such interest in me, and this would help my selfish desire to be able to stop thinking about her in that way. My fear is that doing so could damage work relations and our friendship.
I think if I told them in a careful way they'd be sensible about it and understand, though it's impossible to know for certain. A careful way would constitute of initially priming her for the statement by asking if I could tell her something that was probably completely ridiculous and that she might not like.