With a break up. It's odd. I was in a relationship for 3 and a half years. When she broke up with me I was ready to start dating again within a week.
However this girl...I can't find any closure. I know the reason really. I've never really felt for anyone before. Sure I cared about them but I only "loved" them because it seemed appropriate.
I fell for the first time in my life, and I fell HARD.
Now I'm trying to pick up pieces of myself.
For the first time in 24 years I cried because emotionally I was hurt, not just because I felt like I should, and I haven't been able to stop.
We made a promise when we first started dating that if something was broke we would fix it, not throw it away.
That's not what happened.
I feel betrayed and abandoned, empty, and I'm trying to deal with emotions that I have no clue how to deal with, and I'm having to deal with them alone. Isolation keeps me going, I've learned that I can only depend on one person and that's me, but as the days go by, I only get angrier and I feel like I'm slipping down a very dark and slippery slope.
Any advice?