Thanks for the many suggestions and questions.Perhaps I MAY be able in time be able to accept a small, non-visible one (like the aforementioned butterfly but for now the answer is no, with no exceptions whatsoever. As for a "memorial" one, my memory of my recently deceased grandfather is in my heart and I don't need any physical reminders or to broadcast it to the world. I understand many will disagree with that sentiment but that's my honest feeling although it's not my intention to offend or sound arrogant.
LeagueGirl wrote:
Whats wrong with a tattoo and body piercings?
The short answer is I think they are ugly and in the case of tattoos permanent. The long answer is that I am attracted to women with 'traditional' femininity and dress conservatively. I know that's weird because I get along best with more 'hip' girls but only as acquaintances at most. I know this is not a popular opinion here but I feel that tattoos are hideously ugly and I am disgusted by the sight of a girl with a visible one. That doesn't even go into the idea that tattoos are a conformist fad among young women just like teenage boys getting their left ear pierced like Michael Jordan was when I was a teenager. Kind like how someone expresses their individuality: just like everyone else.
There's also the issue of reducing employment opportunities, as that permanently ends many careers before they start, like journalism or high end customer service. My first retail job would NOT hire anyone with a tattoo or piercing, with the exception of women allowed a single set of "studs or hoops". I actually love earrings on women but only one set. Having said that, I can overlook multiple as long as it's not overkill (say more than 3 lobe, 1 upper ear). I had a woman who looked perfect on my eHarmony page but sorry to say she had a
HIDEOUS eyebrow ring and it looked so ugly on her, especially since she worked at a Pharmacy, a place where those type of things are usually shunned and she dressed and had her hair done very conservatively and professionally. I don't mind skin imperfections, birthmarks, scars, skin color etc because they were NOT a choice unlike tattoos and body piercings.
I realize I am starting to ramble but essentially the answer is I don't like them and will never like them end of story. I know that sounds narrow minded but that's how I feel. I think I will just go ahead and say it on my profile because there is NO wiggle room on that one and the ones offended I wouldn't want to date anyway. Yes, I emphasize again it's THAT much of a deal-breaker. Thanks for the input and look forward to hearing more thoughts.