leafplant wrote:
Eureka13 wrote:
My late sweetie once gave me a miniature, fully functional trebuchet that he built. Honestly, there could never be anything better than that.
OMG the coolest!! !
I don't do romantic gestures but people have done stuff for me. One Valentine I came home to find the bedroom decorated in hand drawn /coloured/cut out hearts and romantic notes. To be perfectly honest I didn't really care for it but had to pretend I was touched - I think I was born sans romantic gene.
The one thing I still remember fondly though is exchanging hand written letters with this guy I wasn't even dating back in high school and how he would roll up his and tie them with a red ribbon. I didn't fancy him though and then he got really cross with me when I turned him down like I was supposed to say yes after all the trouble he went to for me. So that probably killed romantic gestures for me for ever.
My first husband threw temper tantrums in a big way, and then would send me flowers the next day as an apology (but without ever saying "I'm sorry"). That's one of the things that put me off romantic gestures. I've never been good at it, either.
What always thrilled me most was little things like my S.O. unexpectedly dropping in at my office to take me to lunch, or picking me up a book that he thought I would like, or wanting to watch one of my favorite movies with me. Or having dinner ready for me when I got home from work (even if he was a lousy cook). Really, anything at all that showed he was thinking about me and went out of his way to do something nice.
My romantic expressions are a lot like that, as well. Such as, on occasion, fixing a meal or a dessert that I know is his favorite even if it's not something I particularly like. Picking up a box/bag of his favorite snack food. Bringing him home a bottle of his favorite Scotch for no particular reason.