Jamesy wrote:
modernmax wrote:
Do you mean she likes you more for your personality than your physical appearance? Because that's what I'm getting out of this.
Yeah I think so
Isn't it rather self explanatory?
It means she likes your personality ok, your interests, having conversations with you, hanging out, joking, laughing, learning etc - all the things friends do when they interact with one another.. but she's not into you physically, sexually, aesthetically etc. It could also be a bit of a personality thing, too. ie if she's attracted to confident type-A types and you're a nervous quiet passive type, then that could be a sexual deal killer. As for aesthetics, everyone has their type.. if she's attracted to tall strong black guys with beards and you're a short skinny white guy who couldn't grow a beard if he tried, well then, you don't really have any chance at turning her on sexually. It just is what it is.
I'm sure you know plenty of people that you like as friends that you'd never sleep with because you're not attracted to them. Same thing here.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.