Hi everyone,
My name is Rosemary and I have high functioning autism. However, it's something that has been contained to my immediate family. I'm very involved in clubs and organizations on my college campus, and I rely on my full-ride scholarship to receive my education. I don't want rumor spreading that I have high functioning autism, because then I'm afraid people wouldn't respect me in my leadership positions, I would be shunned by my peers, and would eventually lose my scholarship.
That being said, the real reason I'm in this discussion forum: there is this guy from my College Statistics class last summer. He's 22 (I'm 18 ), lives on his own (I live with my parents), smokes cigarettes and drinks beer (I'm committed to lifelong sobriety), and doesn't really have a steady career plan (I've known I wanted to be a college Business Professor since I was six years old). In short: I'm just plain not interested. However, he sat right next to me in Statistics and we do have a few things in common that he tended to elaborate on. He lent me a book to read (I didn't really get that it was some sort of romantic social paradigm until I recently read The Faults in our Stars - now I realize that was Mistake #1). He would walk with me as we left class, and that went on for about half of the semester. I remained completely oblivious to the fact that he wanted some sort of relationship.
Then, about a month from the end of class, he asked me to meet him for coffee and lunch that weekend. I choked, mumbled something along the line of "schedule" and basically dove out the nearest fire escape. I suffered through four more weeks of sitting silently next to him in class, then thought the whole awkward thing would finally be over. Not!
He found me on Facebook a few days ago and asked how I am. It's been six months!! ! I told him that I graduated with my AA, am now working on my BAS, and now have a job as a substitute teacher. He said congratulations, then engaged in this inevitable: do you have any plans this weekend (yes, in fact, I was going to a leadership conference with the college honors program), do you think we could do coffee and lunch, and is there any way we can text. This guy just doesn't get it.
Please, I could use some help. I've never had any sort of romantic interests before and would prefer to keep it that way. How can I tell this person that I'm just not interested without being rude, provoking further awkward conversation, and risking my position on campus? I can't read people at all and I'm terrified of conversation to boot, so it would help if anyone else like me has ever been in this situation before.