Guys, I need your help again.
There is, again, a girl in the orchestra. She is so shy that she is easily overlooked; on the other hand, it's eye-catching that she fails to integrate into the group. Thereby, she reminds me very much of myself. She doesn't ever seem to initiate a conversation with anyone. I always make sure to greet her as friendly as I can, and she usually responds (in an equally friendly and socially awkward manner), but I'm not sure if she would be comfortable being approached further.
On Wednesday, I had to take the bus home because my bicycle was broken. She took the same bus. First, we spent 10 minutes standing next to each other without talking at the bus stop. In the bus, I could have sat across from her, but I didn't because I wasn't sure if that would be creepy (there was no-one else from the orchestra on the bus).
So... I kind of have the impression that this is my turn. She is usually very early for the rehearsals, so it would be technically easy to just walk up to her and talk to her (first of all, I don't even know her name, so I already have a conversation starter...). But is this the right thing to do? On the one hand, I hesitate because she isolates herself so much, but on the other hand, I don't think she does it on purpose.
Just to clarify my intentions: I'm not trying to get laid here as quickly as possible, and she might be too young for me anyway (not legally, but socially); but I have the impression that we are temperamentally compatible, and therefore, I should do something.