It seems like in every serious relationship I've had, there has been at least one instance where my partner (none of them on the spectrum) has asked me to change some behavior that irritates her - things like leaving my shoes in the wrong place, or closing doors/cabinets too hard, etc. And I really do try, but it seems like I'm such a creature of habit that I forget with enough frequency to be upsetting. Then in each relationship the other person has felt like I didn't care because even if I really want to, I can't seem to just be told something bothers somebody one time and then never do it again, and I figured maybe this was an Aspie trait. But I've also been accused of using AS as an excuse, and it really hurts because I DO care about other people's feelings and I DON'T want to hurt or upset the people I love, I just sometimes seem to need to work harder at breaking bad habits. Plus I've noticed I have a tendency to isolate things - like if I'm asked not to do something again, I register that I shouldn't do that exact thing, in that exact context, but I might still do something similar thinking it's different, and to the other person it's still like I just don't listen to what they say. Am I really just hiding behind AS or is there any chance it really is harder for us?