TwinRuler wrote:
I really felt hurt, when they started to describe Aspergers as Extreme Male Brain. After all, I began to think that Feminists might think that there stereotypes about Men in general, are somehow especially true of us, on the Spectrum. Indeed, I wonder where the whole Extreme Male Brain trope originally came from, in the first place?
There's actual neurological truth to the description but it has nothing to do with women being prejudiced in any way towards AS guys. I don't see where you get this from.
The female brain is active (VERY active) on both hemispheres when engaged in verbal communication. The Male brain only activates the verbal region of one hemisphere when doing the same. In people with ASD, the male activity in the same center is not as active as in an NT brain and in the female ASD brain the same hemisphere that is active in the male is more active in her than on her other hemisphere.
A similar thing happens in the areas that are already known to be 'male' and 'female' of the brain. Ergo the male brain is much more active in spatial-related areas when speaking while the female brain actually loses activity there when speaking. The female brain has her memory centers much more active when speaking while the male brain loses activity when doing the same. ASD brains, as far as the latest research that I'm aware of, have a shocking 60%~ more activity in the cognitive centers (not memory or spatial or verbal centers)
all the time and this activity dips/spikes low when engaging in verbal communication.
Women are wired for communication, men are wired for tasks. Its no surprise that the ASD brain seems 'male oriented' in its activity given the big socializing (of which verbal communication is a big part of) issues and the tendency of ASD people to focus on tasks.