Well, that picture is obviously a model being paid to pose that way in a staged setting. But if the wider question you're asking is about real life girls and women who dress in a sexy manner, that's more complicated.
As a woman myself, I can tell you that not every woman who does the makeup, hair and sexy clothing thing when going out, is actually "asking for it" at all. I think a lot of men can't believe that, because they see a woman dressing and even acting "sexy" and think in simplistic terms of "she's anybody's" or is "looking for it."
The thing is, while some girls may indeed be doing exactly that, what guys don't know about women is that we are also capable of dressing like that for reason not even remotely connected with a deliberate wish to get laid!
Other reasons for dressing up/dressing sexy or "attractive" are:
--- To "feel" pretty in and of herself, to feel that she does "clean up nice" and can present something that is society's latest idea of what's attractive. Not all women even care about that, but it can be a motivator especially when a girl is young and just starting to think about whether or not she is "attractive" or can dress up to be thought so.
--- For other women, ie., to compete, impress, etc. Personally I've never had this motivation as I can't really relate to that instinct, but I hear that some women do say "I do my makeup every morning not to impress men but to show other women I'm attractive."
--- Because some girls and women think these modes of presentation are just "the fashion" and what you do, and believe it or not they actually don't intend provocation of men. That's sounds incredibly naive but some women really aren't that aware of how men perceive sexy clothing choices.
-- To get men to notice them, yes, sure enough, but sometimes the girl isn't even thinking "I want to get laid," she's just thinking she wants simply to be noticed or talked to as a kind of confirmation that she's attractive. Again, a little naive but it is the way some girls might be thinking.
Like I say, from what I gather most men and boys simply believe that when a woman has chosen to "dress sexy" it can only be because she wants men to notice or actually do something about it....
And again, while there certainly are women for whom this is precisely the correct interpretation (not that there's anything wrong with that) -- you must bear in mind that there are some very innocent and naive motivations too. Hard to believe but in some cases it really isn't all about men, but about the girl thinking SHE likes the way she looks.
Personally I dress for comfort, and when I go out somewhere nice I dress more for "prettiness" rather than all-out sexyness.
But when I was young, on the occasions when I "dressed sexy", believe it or not I was thinking about liking the way I looked, and it went right over my head that men were getting a message from it. Call me naive but that was my thinking.