Eccles_the_Mighty wrote:
Oh Lord!! I'm 55 and you're 63, can't we find anyone younger to help out here?
Sorry, Eccles. While I certainly can't speak for everyone on the site, I'm 23 and just as stumped as you two. ^_^;
Still, I'll offer my opinion on the matter all the same, I suppose. It can't hurt, and it might help, eh? I'm personally about as subtle as a
giant, radioactive brick, so I'd likely ask her if she'd reconsider the agreement directly. However, if that really isn't an appealing or appropriate option, I'd do something similar to what Claradoon suggested... As to what you two could actually do, Taybot, something both she and you enjoy would most probably be the best choice.
Here's to hoping your date goes well, and I wish you luck. d=(^3^)=b