Okay, so this is maybe a little silly.
BF and I have been dating 5 months. It's cool, things are going fine. He's basically been staying here, but is now officially moving in. (I posted about the situation on the In-depth adult life discussion board).
I am working right now, he isn't. I'm fine with that, for now anyway, we're okay on money. He keeps saying he wants to work and help with bills, but he's been pretty unmotivated to do so.
So, getting stuck in my head as I tend to do, I've developed this fear that he is only with me out of convenience. I don't really have any reason to believe it, but it's stuck there nonetheless, which makes me sad, because I'm with him because I really genuinely like him and care about him.
Maybe it is in part because I have never been the "breadwinner" so I'm just not used to it. He seems happy enough with our relationship, and he is very caring. My last "relationship" (only lasted a month, and it wasn't official) was very painful for me because I REALLY liked the guy a lot, and he seemed really into me, then one day he just texted me that he found someone else, turned out to be a mutual friend, and 4 months later they were engaged. I feel like, wow, how is it I could misread a situation that bad...
So now I am constantly second-guessing myself and having trust issues, which was never a thing before for me. Not about cheating, we have an open relationship, and he rarely leaves the house without me anyway, but I just keep wondering how he feels about me and our relationship. The thought scares me. I was the one who asked him out, which I had never done before. And we have been together 5 months and he has never really complimented my looks, which doesn't bother me in itself, it just makes this fear seem more real, like he's not that attracted to me, but to be fair, I don't really compliment his looks either, and I think he's gorgeous, it just hasn't been part of the way we communicate. We have also never yet said "I love you" and I'm too scared to do it right now, but it's odd as well because this is both of our third-longest relationships in our lives, and I don't know why we haven't said it.
Like I said I realize this is pretty silly and most likely all in my head, but I am kind of angry at the last guy because now I am always doubting myself and afraid I will get hurt. I want to ask him, but I feel foolish. I don't know why I'm posting this, I just needed a place to get it off my chest. I don't have a lot of close friends, but I do have a sponsor, I'm seeing her next Thursday, so if I'm not over it by then I can run it by her as well. I just feel like I'm doing that insecure girly thing I hate...
The status is NOT quo!