Am a woman with AS, and Ive had no luck with dating. I am not terrible looking but been on a lot of dates that just fizzled. Usually, RL dates have led to initial interest, but then for whatever reason they stop calling or flake out. Online my results are abysmal.... lots of chat but then i get ghosted. (It's worse online because they have gotten to know my personality pretty well )
IRL, i've had dates with people from all walks of life; some guys have been unemployed, or homeless, mentally ill (like i am- in addition to the AS), but it has led nowhere. There is no lasting interest...
The only standards i really have are that I wouldn't date anyone that is selfish or nasty. Just wondering if there is something so unappealing about my personality, that it is worse than say other traits... BTW I don't think Im desperate or at least hope I dont come across that way (for example, I don't 'chase' if someone is not interested)
Am wondering why when I observe couples, they are from all walks of life and, what may superficially be considered 'damaged'...... Yet my own experiences are so different? i feel like Im not good enough for anyone
Or to put it this way, why is it that no one is willing to settle.... while at the same time, a lot of people appear to be settling? (example: I attend a mental health clinic, and a lot of people there are couples )
Are people out there really settling, or is there something Im missing?? Or are some personality traits (like my own) so unappealing that everyone will be repelled?
I, personally, am willing to settle but still I have standards, mainly that the person isn't mean.
Interested to know your thoughts or experiences (male or female)