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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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28 Apr 2014, 5:55 am

Okay, so I am really pissed right now. There's this dude that I am starting to hate that is supposed to be a good buddy, but he has screwed me over a few time in the past and is a drunk as*hole and I'm getting really sick of him. He is the shallowest person I know. He was dating this girl, which is laughable, because he doesn't date, he drinks and hooks up. He is the least trustworthy and loyal person there is. Well, there was a big party that he had, and wouldn't ya know it, he banged some neighbor girl. And then Again the next night. And everyone there freaking knew it was so obvious. And then the girl pretty much flipped out and took too many of her pills and there was a big scene, and the next I heard from him was he needed to get away from this "crazy" chick. After this, I started hanging out with her a lot. She essentially got temporarily kicked out of her home by her roommate, and I let her stay at my place for a while. For like a week we were all cuddling and watching tv together all the time. She was definitely throwing signals even from my roommates perspective( he lets me know when girls are into me, since I can NEVER tell, which helps me quite a bit). Then one day, she drove over there and banged him. And has like several times since, tells my roommate that she has and that their just hooking up and not getting back together, but then tells me that she went over and passed out playing cards. Still definitely throwing signals. Ignored her calls and texts for a few days cause I was sick of the s**t. Then went over and partied with them today and they hooked up again. This dick is going to hook up with every girl he ever sees, and this girl wants an actual relationship. Why is she messing with me if she is just going to run off with this dude so much? I'm about to just cut of with both of them...

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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28 Apr 2014, 6:02 am

gotwake wrote:
and this girl wants an actual relationship.

She sounds young and clingy. Sounds like she's looking for fun, not a relationship.

She is going to repeat this behavior, if you aren't prepared for that she will end up hurting you.


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28 Apr 2014, 4:49 pm

It doesn't sound like you're missing anything valuable, let them live their disposable, impulsive lives and don't get involved - find someone who has half a brain and acts in line with what they say - if you want someone who wants a serious relationship then don't go for people who 'sleep around' and don't pursue people who give in to total losers like this drunk guy, plain and simple. From what you have said she has given zero reason to believe she wants something 'real' even if she has suggested it, and has zero standards if she's messing around with that kind of guy.

I would find someone with standards and who seems less likely to make an impulsive decision behind your back, it seems apparent she has self control issues and isn't capable of staying away from this guy despite saying she would. This isn't worth getting angry over, it's just two human beings being stupid, don't be a third one along with them - there is no shortage of this kind of behaviour in the world, you'll be angry forever if you can't let it go and find better people who have a sense of dignity.


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28 Apr 2014, 5:06 pm

The previous poster is right. You'll just get angry thinking about this and that is not worth it.

I had more to say but realized something as well:
The lessons you learn on your own will be more valuable than anything I tell you. You'll probably appreciate what you learn on your own more.

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