nebrets wrote:
Yes, but as you become more serious with one person the other conversations with other potential significant others should decrease. By the time you meet in person, say the second time, you should not be talking to potential dating people.
I have no idea where this comes from. Dating and enslavement, not quite the same thing (unless you're into that). Of course you're allowed to talk to other people. If you're talking about dating-site conversations, that conversation between you and the getting-serious person goes like this, a few dates in, usually tossed in casually:
You: So um I took down my profile (or 'I'll probably take down my profile').
Her: Oh, yeah, I don't really go on there much anymore anyway.
Congrats! You're now exclusive.
If you're talking about, just, like, talking to actual live people...this is always allowed, but if you're in a relationship, don't get all flirty with the other new people, that's all. If your new gf/bf is all in a snit just because you spoke to someone of his or her sex, then this is a good time to get away from that person.