I'm 19 and experience sex aversion. Sometimes things work out fine, most of the time not. I've dated one guy before. I have a date today and I just feel hopeless about it. I don't know if things would work out or not if we end up dating, and I don't know if it's worth it to put him through me trying to figure it out. Should I continue seeing him (we know each other pretty well already from an old job, I feel like we'll see more of each other)?
He's 25, if it adds anything. Which makes me even more nervous. At least teen guys are a little more expectant of hesitance, you know? But he and I are on the same page with everything else.
And it isn't just sex... I can have issues with just kissing sometimes. Well, no kissing is alright, but as soon as there is tongue I get so uncomfortable that I'm probably really bad at making out....
I don't think I've ever been sexually abused, but physically and psychologically, absolutely.
I'm really interested in him though?