OP, don't you think it does "improve the lives of all autistics" to talk about how we can create a safe online environment where all of us can come and participate without feeling attacked or demeaned because of our gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.?
I've done a lot of tangible work aimed at helping people with ASD and the broader disability community over the years, through working at a social services agency and volunteering at an Aspie support group and meet-up group. And, I've loved it. But, right now, due to health issues, it's harder for me to travel and participate in the 'real world' AS community, like I used to. I'd like to at least be able to have positive interactions with other aspies here, online, but have stopped coming to these forums as much as I used to because the vitriol is too draining sometimes. Other women who used to be regular posters have also said they stopped participating because of how reading mysogynistic posts makes them feel.
Personally, I'm kind of surprised you'd be making jokes about discussing the problems with sexism on this site and addressing them, if you want to improve the lives of people with ASD. It's a legitimate issue that does effect members of the ASD community, both male and female. (Not challenging men who hold sexist views to change them isn't going to do those men any favors when it comes to establishing healthy relationships).
Just my two cents.